Friday Night Combat

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by UnfundedAxe, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. UnfundedAxe

    UnfundedAxe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    * If your not fond of reading, and want to skip to the photo's. Scroll past this part.


    This is my first map on forge hub so please, Tell me about it.

    This map is called Friday Night Combat; As you may know there is a arcade game called monday night combat, This map is loosley based on the game.

    It is based around teamwork and class's. Each class plays a roll that will win the game for your team.

    The class's are
    -Assault(Red Shirt) All around fighter, Good in Mid to short range combat. Good front lines. *Assault rife,x2 Frags, Magnum, And Sprint*

    -Engineer(Security) Close ranged master, Excels at Close range Fighting. * Shotgun,Dropshield*

    -Tank(Berserker) Damage taking gods, These Tough guys are great at distracting fire or clearing a bunker,Explosive attack, good at Mid range combat. *Grenade Launcher, x1 Frags,Magnum, Armor Lock*

    -Sniper(Recon) These are the marksmen~ Can put a bullet in you from 20 miles away. These are the ranged masters. Amazing at long range, Rubbish at Close to mid range. *Sniper rifle, Magnum, Plasma grenade, and Evade.

    -Stalkers(Stalkers) The stalkers, Will catch you off guard if you don't keep a eye out. The best at very close range, Will not kill at Long or mid range. * Plasma Sword, x1 Plasma Grenade, Stealth/Cloak*

    Each class has been made to tailor fit every part of the map, Wether it be Clearing a bunker to getting a cross the map kill~ There all the best at what they do, Before you ask each class counters another class,No class is more over powered then the player.
    To sum up what I said, Each class fits a playing style and each class is needed to win the game, You don't want 5 snipers and 1 stalker... You Wont Win.


    Now Onto the map,

    The map was made to fit a arena style game, Each side is themed~ What I tryed to make on this map is that it feels like you are a player on a fighting game show. You Do get more points for "Style" kills.

    Red Zone

    The Red side was to have a more, Nature feel to it.


    In the red zone you can find a park area, Made for that, "Cover" Type area- Needless to say the park is loved by snipers.

    Another thing you can find in the red zone is the Tower with the Crane on it, It is made as the gate way to the upper cat walk.



    The red and blue spawn's are pretty much the same.

    The last thing you can find is the Bunker, I spent a lot of time tweeking the red bunker.

    Inside the bunker

    Outside (Edit: Sorry I zoomed the photo out a little to much)

    Blue Zone

    The Blue Zone was made to have a ODST type feel to it, A urban halo style area (Note: My friend dallgol did most of the work on the blue side I am aware of the small error's he made and we don't have enough buget to fix them)

    At the heart of the blue zone is the Statue.

    Another note-able feature is the Floor Although I don't have a Picture of the Blue zone Due to "To many Que's" I will try to take more soon

    The Blue bunker is almost the same as the red one, The only real diffrence was that it was made to fit the setting.
    Inside of the blue bunker

    The last photo is the Blue spawn

    Although the blue zone is lacking photo's ( When I take more they will be added) The blue zone is my fav part of the map. The whole city feel make it really shine.

    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    The last few words I am going to tell you is that this map has been cared and loved and beta tested more then you think, It is great fun.

    Also I am looking for people to play custom game's with!

    Add me on xbox live.

    Gamertag:WoC x Prodigy

    Also add my friend ( Co-maker)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope you download and try it out.

    Added after 1 27 minutes:

    Added after 11 Hours 36 minutes:

    Any feed back please
    #1 UnfundedAxe, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  2. UEG Rage

    UEG Rage Forerunner

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    Well solid map. Good potential.

    But there are a couple things that need to be repaired the floors and catwalks need to be leveled out alot better the one side that uses the 5v5 flat several are off center where u have to jump once ya do that ill see about getting a decent test group together to play it =) hope that helps
  3. UnfundedAxe

    UnfundedAxe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, I am going to try to do a update soon :)

    Been busy with school

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