Map Name: Institution Canvas Name: Forge World Player Count: 2-16(maybe) Gametypes That Require Testing: Infection, Slayer, Assault Download Link: Institution - Map Variant | To The Last - Infection Gametype The Story "Time, the enemey to all we build. It lays waste to the most mighty of structure, and the most powerfull of peoples. Time, as well as nature, have retaken this place. The world itself has begun to reclaim this facility, and in due time, it shall forever be incased in its tomb. And here we find ourselves. No means of escape, not even an idea of how we arrived in such a tomb. But here we are, that is for sure." Taken from a fanfic I had been working on based in the Halo universe. This maps plays to an idea I had back with the start of the story; What would really happen to a civilizations work after extreme lengths of neglect and the forces of nature? The result is Institution, a facility seemingly built out of the rock. Over time silt deposits fill the floors, mineral deposits as well as volcanic eruptions fill the spaces with new rock and impassible obstacles. Institution looks as though its been overtaken by nature herself. And now you must fight your way through it all. The Idea I love infection, but being a zombie has its problems. On wide open maps its easy for a talented group of survivors to snipe off each and every one of your fellow undead from afar, dying only once they are out of ammo. Institution takes away this advantage, and turns the tables on the survivors. I built this map with an idea of confusion, disorentation, and dead ends. Built in the cramped cave by the shoreline, its not a fun place to be when zombies lurk around every corner. Pictures: Promo Image View From By Blue Base A View From Red Base An Old Sewer System The Shack Red Base Zombie Attack A World Outside View More Photos: HR Institution pictures by OrionLeingod - Photobucket
I'm afraid I don't understand "A World Outside." Please explain. This is a fine map, and looks much better than most infection maps I have seen. It appears almost complete, excepting the compatibility with other gametypes. Is it possible that it is available for download? I suggest submitting it for the Tester's Guild to test, which will allow feedback on it.
In all honesty, if you're making an infection map, make it solely for infection. It'll just fall on it's arse trying to be something it isn't. You'll sacrifice too much infection gameplay to make it work for things like flag, and then they won't be great because it isn't designed for flag so you'll have gained nothing. I don't particularly like infection (mainly for the extreme disadvantage 4/16 people have at the start of a round and i'm usually 1 of those 16), but it seems like it'd be a pretty good map with it's twisty caverns.
That is a photo of a hidden piece of the map. And its all laid out. I can't think of anything else to add or change to the layout currently, but as I said, I can't get the layout of the weapons right. But all the spawns are in place, and assault is already set up. If you want I could go ahead and put it up on my file share.
In reference to not being able to create a map that is both infection and competitive, there are ways around the poor gameplay. You can set an an object so it only appears in certain gametypes. Thus, you can make alterations to a map that only appear in infection or CTF etc. This option appears under advanced>gamtype labels. However you must edit a map in multiple forge gametypes to do this.
This is what I have been doing. It was made for infection, but just for the sake of compatibility, I am adding in every game types objectives and what not. I'm not saying its going to be great in other game types, it might even suck as an infection map, but saying that you can't make a great map that does both is far from the truth.
What I meant was that you can even do the same thing to objects like a block as you do to objectives. You can make them appear in certain gametypes or even make them objectives.
That its what I'm doing. I have two teleporters hidden by default on invasion. Added after 18 Hours 34 minutes: Original post edited to include a link to the map and infection game type. Still more work to be done before I submit it to the testers guild, but now you can at least give it a shot and have a look if you want