
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Eric the Forger, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    Edit: I took down the v2 pics and put up my v3 pics. This is the final version for now till I get some feedback.

    Edit again: Ok I noticed something that bothered me so i had to fix it real quick. Very slightly updated version is now linked. Just moved 2 spawns, moved a rock about 1 unit or so, and used smaller 4x4 blocks on the bottom of each base.

    Well getting this map in a condition to be file shared has been a real pain in the ass. Anyway, this is Ruination. My second forged map ever. When I was looking for a place to forge, the bluff over the cave in the canyon really appealed to me. Ruination is a semi-symmetrical mid-sized map. There are some slight differences around the bases due to the uneven geography but the bases themselves are almost perfect mirror images of each other.

    Each base has four points of entry; the main ramp at the front door, the rock ramp near the cliff wall, the bridge that directly connects both bases near the cliff edge, and a teleporter that leads the back of both bases.

    There is a single teleporter on the high edge of the map. This teleporter leads to the cave under the map. The cave is split into two completely separate rooms. The red cave and the blue cave. The teleporter in the red cave leads to the red base and vice versa. There are 2 one way shields at the entrance of each cave, so once you decide which base you're teleporting to you're stuck going there. I was afraid of possible camping in the cave (with rockets and shotgun it could be bad), hence the shield doors. I originally had soft kill areas in the cave so you could only spend 10 seconds down there. They had to go though because I found out that when you carry a bomb into the kill zones you automatically drop the bomb and it is reset (this doesn't happen with a flag though which makes me think that the bomb resetting is a glitch or being able to carry a flag in a kill area is a glitch). To make up for this, the teleporter that leads to the cave is a 2-way. So you can back out if someone is camping and plan for how to get them out.

    I had to build this map 3 times. The pics I'm posting are of v2. I was unhappy with v1 because I had the bases offset from each other which created even more differences in symmetry than the geography itself did. Also the bases were disorganized and ugly. In v2 the bases are less claustrophobic and at an almost perfect 130 degree angle between them. I had to make a v3 though because I found out that I could not fileshare on my original gamertag. I made some nice modifications to v3 that I think improve it over v2. As soon as my screenshots appear on I'll update the post with v3 pics.

    I don't have many friends that play Halo so it is hard for me to test my maps myself (I have tested that soft kill areas are in the right places and the objectives work as designed). I am most unsure about the spawns since this is only my 2nd map ever and I'm just starting to figure out how they work. Any feedback given to me will be considered and I'll update this post after changes have been made.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy Ruination!

    6x DMR
    2x Sniper Rifle
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x Shotgun
    2x Magnum
    2X Plasma Pistol
    2x Needler
    1x Grenade Launcher
    1x Rocket Launcher
    7x Plasma Grenade pairs
    4x Frag Grenade pairs


    overview 2

    red lobby

    sniper nest

    outside teleporter

    red cave

    blue cave

    red balcony

    red snipe spawn

    red side

    blue flag
    #1 Eric the Forger, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  2. SpawnArchAngel

    SpawnArchAngel Forerunner

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    Nice map just one thing, is there any vehicles?
  3. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    No, no vehicles.

    I just realized that I forgot to add a weapons list. Gonna update my post to add that.
  4. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very nice map. Please tell me you named it after Stone's Ruination IPA. That would be awesome.

    At any rate, the bases are gorgeous and I love how they don't face each other directly at 90 degree angles.

    I'm not crazy about the tunnel part, but that's just because I generally don't like teleporters in maps (personal preference). If you got rid of that, however, you're really limited to only a few paths between each base, which wouldn't be good.

    You could add a Falcon to each side to alleviate that, perhaps, but that would no doubt change gameplay rather drastically. So take my suggestions with a grain of salt.

    I bet this would be great for multi-flag or other symmetrical objective games. Nice job. 8/10.
  5. Eric the Forger

    Eric the Forger Forerunner

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    Yeah this map is designed with symmetrical objective games in mind but I'm sure it could work for slayer.

    I completely understand your sentiments regarding the teleporter. There was a point in development where I did consider taking it out entirely but as you said it severely limits entrances to the base and I wanted to give incentives to go to all parts of the map. With the tunnel I feel it will make the player not always choose the bridge or middle (middle is dangerous ground anway because it is so low compared to the bases and high cliff wall).

    The Falcon idea is very interesting though. If I were to do that, maybe instead of the teleporters at the back I could put a landing pad there and players could pile into the falcon, fly around the map a bit shooting people, then land at the back of the other base and try to work the objective. That would really cool but I'm wondering if it would make the map even less suitable for slayer.

    Thanks for the comments though!

    And yes, I bought some Ruination last weekend and had an empty bottle sitting in front of my TV. IPAs are delicious!

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