Play Ball! Welcome to Halofield! The first baseball map on Reach! halofield7.jpg picture by zman2410 - Photobucket The rules are easy: 1.Counting balls and strikes are up to the players 2.Homeruns are simple: If they go over the wall and if the runner scores without being stuck running the bases. 3. Don't worry about where the ball goes when its hit, just focus on trying to stick the runner. 4.If you lose the ball just wait for it to respawn or get a ball from the ball reserve. halofield4.jpg picture by zman2410 - Photobucket This map took me 4 days to make and was a lot of work. I hope u enjoy I also added to the map after i took the pics so the bullpens are enclosed. This field is "idiot proof" meaning no one could try to get out of the map. Just some extra pics halofield3.jpg picture by zman2410 - Photobucket halofield3.jpg picture by zman2410 - Photobucket ^^^^bullpems^^^
Which site did you upload you pictures through? Whatever it is, use photo bucket instead. Free, easy to use and gives you nice big pictures.