Tunnels My best map ever, for no doubt. This map is based off of a junkyard, where the zombies(rapid dogs)try to slash the humans with there claw(sword). The dump part of the junkyard is where the zombies(rapid dogs)respawn. The humans spawn near the safehouse and near the tunnel. The map is best played with the gametype called Rapid dogs. tunnel safe house junkyard where rapid dogs big sign Clawed! Tunnel DL URL http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=33762416 Rapid Dogs DL URL http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=33762447 This has been a message by sgt n00b34.
I agree with CaMofo. The staircases in the middle are very odd looking, and they don't provide cover.
yeah same wiht all ther others its doesn't do good and i would like to see more of the map it looks confusing "TO ME"
Yeah what others are saying, I'm not sure if I understand how to use this map's features. For example, I have no idea the purpose of the floating bridge with the teleporter. Also, Rapid Dogs? I think you mean rabid, which means irrationally extreme in opinion or practice.
I'm sure this is a good map, but this is for infection, correct? Well im sorry to tell you, but you posted in the wrong map thread. Zombie maps are meant to be posted in the Casual map section, not the competitive one. But I guess it isn't that big of a deal, but just could be considered an annoyance since it isn't really meant to be competetive but it's in that section taking up room.