DLC Discussion - Forge City?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rigest, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. BA Vindicator

    BA Vindicator Forerunner

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    One of my biggest gripes about forge is that when you set weapons to "fixed", pick them up and then drop them when you die or switch weapons, the fixed weapon doesn't drop to the ground and floats in mid-air. I had a huge armory of weapons that were all fixed onto the wall but then I found out that when you drop them they float and can block player movement so I had to delete the whole thing and start over.

    Very annoying.

    I also wish there was some more "detail" objects such as barrels, wire spools, small crates/boxes, etc.

    Other things I would love to have...

    Transport Warthog and Falcon
    Circular ramps that went the other way...
    More color on the objects (team specific colorings)
    Target locator
    Air-burst mines (like the ones found in H3's Sandtrap)
    More variety of natural objects (bigger rocks, trees, etc.)
    Debris objects (destroyed vehicles, etc.)
    Civilian vehicles (forklift, trucks, etc.)
    Ground mounted Gauss/rocket turrets
    Drop pods (Weapon pods and ODST pods)
    Windmills (found in campaign, first mission)
    AA Wraith
    Fuelrod turret (found in campaign)
    "Decal Objects" (objects that could be placed on a surface to change the appearance of it, ex: bullet holes, scorch marks, etc.)
    Weapon holders (Covie and UNSC weapon rack)
    Some type of water vehicle
    Dual wield armor ability
    Trampoline (cause that would just be funny)
    VISR mode armor ability
    Weather effects
    Actual night-time SFX
    Ammo crates (as in firefight)
    Specific weapon ammo (like in Halo 2 they had sniper ammo clips or rocket packs)
    Large grav lifts (as seen on Spire)

    I could probably go on for a lot longer with what I wish we had but it's just not reasonable....
  2. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    I could see some of these come into forge, but not many. Hornets, Gauss/Rocket Turrets, ODST pods, windmills, water vehicles, dual wield armor ability, VISR, and trampolines are all very unlikely, as they weren't in the game at first so they would have to code and model and script and skin to make them appear. The only one that they wouldn't have to do that (windmills) would cause major lag is people put too many, and therefore, would have to be VERY limited if they were there (as in lots of budget and only allowed to place 1 or 2). And even air-burst mines could be hard to make. But other ones could easily be possible ;) Bungie hasn't let us down with DLC before, why now?
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I really like Forge World and the flexibility it gives us destroys anything in Halo 3. The only problem to me is that we're just a few weeks in and I already feel like every map I open looks about like the last fifty. Really good designers find ways to put a unique stamp on their maps, but I would love to see a little more customizability on the aesthetic side. My wish list:

    - More lights; the limit of two is frustrating when they change the look of the part of the map they are in so much

    - A few new FX, and particularly new USEFUL FX. Some of the existing ones are pointless for map-making; they really only exist for taking goofy pictures. And some of the ones that are useful are so distinctive looking (like Juicy and Nova) that you really don't need them on more than one or two maps, ever, unless they are smartly combined with other FX. I'd really like to see some basic things added: different light levels for times of day (e.g. twilight, night time) would be first on the list.

    - Weather. Snow flakes, spitting rain, fog. Wishful thinking, I know.

    - While I'm wishfully thinking: maybe a basic skin swap option for certain pieces. All the rocks use one base texture, how about swapping it for snow-covered rocks? Many metallic pieces like bridges use a common texture, how about swapping it for a different look or color? I realize this stuff is space-intensive but even a stripped-down feature like this would triple or quadruple the possible map "looks" you could create.

    - More large-scale pieces, please. I don't care how much they have to cheat on the polygon count to make them usable; I just would love to be able to add mountain sides, canyon walls, enormous metal barriers, and so forth without smashing my item limit to death. I groan when I see the pains people go to to try to remake, for example, Valhalla, and they have a big pile of stuff in the middle to replicate that hill; a forge item that was just a hill you can move around would be useful in that and many other contexts.

    - And if none of the above is feasible, I'd settle for a map pack that was nothing but forge-ready maps. They don't have to be as huge or ambitious as Forge World even; I'd just like to have some different environments (snowy and mountainous region; rainy and foggy swamp; urban; etc.) to play in. The beauty of these types of maps is that Bungie can very easily supply remakes or new maps within their confines, like the remakes in Forge World and the default layout of Foundry and Sandbox for H3. I would gladly pay full price for a map pack focused on those types of maps, just to blow open the mapmaking possibilities.
    #23 Nutduster, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  4. PandaKing

    PandaKing Forerunner

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    I want a map reminiscent or the ark mission on Halo 3, set on the ark. Big desert environment with a spectacular backdrop.
  5. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i'd like to see maybe a map the same size as forge world but with different areas with different terrains, for example, an area the size of blood gulch would be snowy, an area would be desert-y? etc etc. It'd also be cool if when you dragged an item into that certain area it changed theme, so for example, of you dragged (or opened) a wall into the desert area it'd turn like the walls were on sandbox. And i REALLY wish bungie would let us have drivable forklifts, lorries and buggies like on the campaign, and how hard would it be to make weather fx balls like rain, snow etc? c'mon bungie!

    Oh, and LRMAN if you want a trampoline just put a one way shield horizontally red side up and jump on it :)
    #25 D4ni3l G, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  6. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    I want to see a forge city that takes on the style of New Mombasa or the city in ODST, with an area to build walled off by lots of tall static buildings. You can then place smaller building pieces, basic building blocks, and modular room pieces in this area.

    Having the same scenery pieces from Boardwalk is a must.
  7. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    i like this idea. The simplicity of human architecture (compared to forerunner-style stuff) would allow the designers to reduce poly count for individual pieces, plus it would look better with the building-block style of forge structures

    this would be an opportunity for the designers to provide a variety of different forging areas that would fill the niches that were missed in Forge World. A large, flat, empty area (imagine a giant version of the quarry) is a must in my opinion, as currently the only way to create something like this requires a huge amount of Coliseum Walls and Grids.
  8. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    I think all of those would be great except a dual-wielding armor ability, which I think would negatively effect weapon balance.

    A true "night" FX would be great as well.

    What I would like to see is a "mirror" option for items where you could flip the geometry so you would have mirror images of it when you wanted to have a stairway rotate counterclockwise instead of clockwise, for example, or have perfectly symmetrical sides to a base when using some of the towers or bunker pieces.

    The ability to choose between different palettes would also be nice.

    While the Forerunner palette in Forge World is cool, I would love to see human and covenant palettes.
  9. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I want a Forge ``Space``

    It would be like forgeworld, but you have a colour palette, you can change whole groups of objects, the main themes on the palette would be covenant, UNSC, Forerunner and custom.

    The awesome part

    TWO flat giant hangar bays
    IT would be in space

    Covenant ship on one side with covenant architecture and a giant flat hangar

    UNSC ship on the other side with a huge UNSC hangar and human architecture

    In the middle of the two ships would be a giant empty space like the skybox in sandbox

    It would be overlooking reach. You could build on it but if you fell off you couldn't walk on the grid and you would fall to your death.

    Also, choppers.
  10. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    I would love to have the Brute Choppers back. And the flame thrower, the missile pod thing, and the flame grenades.

    What I would like most, though, more than anything, is The Flood in firefight and appropriately themed maps.

    Also, Infection should use Flood player models.

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