Derelict Anniversary This Forunner facility was used to test new weapon systems, but is now a desolate relic of past bloodsport. This is a remake of Derelict, a map from both versions of Halo: Combat Evolved. I got the idea to remake this when I had looked at a thread about which maps people would remake in Reach, come to find out, everbody completely forgot about Derelict, so I decided to make things right and forge one, and here it is. In team oriented games the starting points are the same, in FFA games, the spawns are random. I am open to constuctive critisism on how to improve it. Weapons: AR: x2/30s repawn Magnum: x4/45s repawn Needler: x2/60s repawn Shotgun: x2/90s repawn Sniper Rifle: x1/180s repawn Frags: x8/15s repawn Plasma Grenades: x8/15s repawn Rocket Launcher: x1/180s repawn Powerups: Active Camo: x1/120s repawn Overshield: x1/120s repawn Health Pack: x1/15s repawn[/SPOILER] Onto pics. Overview Top mid with OS Lower mid with AC Red Spawn Blue Spawn Red Teleporter Blue Teleporter
The only major complaint I have is that there are a lot of flickering objects. "Coincidental geometry," if you will. It's really distracting and it disrupts gameplay. One minor complaint is that the top of the middle structure isn't quite accurate. It shouldn't extend all the way to the roof. Otherwise, this is a great remake. Good job.
I had halo pc running while I was doing this, the roof does make contact with the top of the middle structure, here's a pic of Derelict showing it. You must be thinking of Desolation, which had no roof, to show the difference, here's a pic of Desolation.
Its cool, everybody makes mistakes, including me. I might be able to fix the z-fighting issue, I tried it when I was done with the walkways, the fix ended up ruining gameplay, the people I played with didn't mind the z-fighting because they were too focused on the game, when they tried the version with the fix they noticed a huge difference because they kept getting bumped around like it was H3.
You have every right to say you prefer Desolation, I can turn this into a Desolation remake, it uses the same template, the diferences being the teleporters are grav lifts, and a few other things like weapon placement, I would still put a roof on because of jetpacks.
Yeah, obviously roof's a necessity. I Really hate Jetpack for making people have to use extra budget to compensate for ONE AA. If you did that though, you could probably push it out as a new map lol.
yeah, I can just say it was a template I used for my Derelict remake, and just use it for a Desolation remake. The jetpack bugs the s$# out of me, I usually leave it out of my custom games when people don't mind it, I usually replace it with Evade.
I understand not wanting to have any bumps at all, but to me, having a slight bump is better than z-fighting. I guess it's just a major pet peeve of mine, being a 3d artist. Coincidental geometry in animation is #1 thing you avoid.
I can try one more time to fix it, if I get a lot of negative feedback on it, I'll change it back, if people don't mind the fix, then I'll stick with the new one. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to improve this?
You could use upside down XL bridges. that will remove most of the z-fighting and add more of a blue color to the map.
The z-fighting only occurs when you walk along the outer walkway up top, as you turn you will see it, so the upside down bridges would have the same problem, as well as not being within the scale I built the map. Good suggestion though, hope I didn't sound mean to you. The corner shown is what I'm talking about, as well as the bridge that connects the the main walkway with top mid. Edit: image was deleted. Anybody else have suggestions on how to improve?
This is impressively put together, I have to say the scale is perfect. Can really tell you had CE open from the high level of accuracy. Nice one Only thing I would say is that the cover in front of the 1st floor teleporters is quite a difference. Did you find they improved gameplay?
This is a decent remake. I'd forgotten all about this map, but I most definitely remembered it when playing on yours. The problem is all the flickering merged objects.... that's ugly. Other than that, it seems pretty accurate, but I am having a hard time remembering the original.
Thanks, @ZappyChutoy: I had tried to do the original cover from the original, but it didn't work out, plus some friends of mine said that the teleporters needed cover from each other from the opposite sides, it also helps keep people safe if they end up in the sights of a sniper from across the map, they just have to move around, but the AR gets you most of the time in those areas. @flaminghelmet: I already tried to fix that problem, the floor always ended up like some noob forged in H3, so my only thing to say is ignore it, anyway, here is a pic of the original. If you guys have any more critism, its welcome.
It's a great remake! It's scaled just about perfectly, however just like everyone else has said, it's a tad messy in terms of the z-fighting and overall appearance. I am also making a derelict/desolation remake for the competition and it looks like I have my work cut out for me! Good luck, worthy opponent!
This looks really sharp in the screenshots - I'll definitely check it out. Underrated CE map. Regarding the z-fighting, I would say definitely try to fix it because for me personally (and I imagine a lot of other people) it's really distracting, and gives the map at least as sloppy of an appearance as bumps would. Personally when I am merging things at the same level, I grab the object up close, click in the left stick for fine movement, and shift the pieces up and down as incrementally as possible. You can have things just a tiny bit apart and players should experience no bump when running across them, plus it shouldn't even really be visible unless you're looking for it. The map I just finished has lots of horizontal merging for floors and I believe I was able to avoid z-fighting everywhere without introducing bumps or making things look bad - it just comes down to using the left stick button and being patient with it. Sometimes I would spend several minutes just trying to get two objects lined up as close to each other as possible. But it's worth it.
Thanks guys, this helps me alot, and regarding the z-fighting, I can't fix that at the moment, my dad took my xbox away until I bring some grades up for a few subjects, so your going to have to deal with this version until I can update it. I would like to know how the cover in the map works, as well as spawns, because if anything needs tweeking, I can fix it in the next update. Keep the comments coming.
Yes the z-fighting on the octagon path is really irritating because it doesn't just flicker a little, it goes haywire! I have a good idea if you haven't tried it out yet. Use a large bridge (or whatever length) and flip the piece upside down, so the railings don't get in the way. Then if there is still a corner gap, do to the octagon, use a triangle incline flipped to a flat angle. Tell me if it works if you're up for that, because I like the look of flipped bridges (I have seen that look on well made maps like "The Cage" as example).