hey this is my first time posting a forge map here, and this is my first shot at doing a big forge map. basic idea of the map is to be a remake of the world of warcraft ctf battleground warsong gulch. i originally designed to have 2 identical bases, but when i realised the budget wasnt going to allow it, i shifted it to making one base really big and awesome and leaving the rest of the map a bit scant, and im sure it shows. i gave the attacking side a whole bunch of vehicles to dominate the outdoor area, but still gave them a few good weapons to help them out once they make it inside, reachable via the man cannons on the starting rooms. the defending side gets a pair of teleporters and some heavy mongeese to help defend, and an overshield to intice people to still take the main corridor route. obviously WoW purists will see only a slight resemblance to the real thing, but i decided to add in a few little extras to make it feel like a base with multiple fighting zones. Outside the Flag Room: View from Defender spawn: Attacking Starting Point: Flag Room: Birds Eye View of the Base: i know for certain it needs alot of improving, so please please please post lots of feedback here, i appreciate it!
just a one sided ctf doesnt really capture the spirit of the bg.... try making two? Also, the outside really doesnt look too much like the zone. I was actually thinking of starting this soon :O oh well... I'll settle for AV....
yeah like i said the budget wouldnt be able to fit a second base, as for making the difference to the outside, i wanted to draw the fighting inside the base rather then outside, so its really only there as an obstacle course for the attackers to get to the base
yeah I get that, and from what I've played on it so far it's a nice ctf map. It just doesn't really seem like WSG.
thanks man, ill definately look at maybe making a second version thats smaller so i can make two bases instead of one. Added after 2 Days 20 Hours: im looking for some people to help me test this map if you're interested please send me a msg via xbl