Map: Killhouse Cover. Description: This map is very similar to Rainbow Six Killhouse from Vegas 2. Mainly made for Slayer or Team Slayer. My favorite (swat) was what I designed this map for. Weapons for pickup DMRx1 Fragx8 Plasma Grenadex2 Plasma Pistolx2 Sniperx2 grenade launcherx1 magnumx1 needle riflex1 shotgunx2 health pack x4 plasma repeaterx2 I tried to make this map simple enough to just make it fun for halo. I wasn't aiming for detailed accuracy but the fun of the map or layout of killhouse. Originally I attempted to make 2, 2 story buildings for detailed accuracy but quicly ran out of pieces and was just too maticulous and bugs. 1 out of piece threw the whole building out of square. So with simplicity in mind 2 buildings connected by bridges and familiar layout of the original killhouse is what is here. In the grass without all the Forerunner ground/walls/ceiling. Added after 2 minutes: My FIRST complete map... More in the works. Looking for a Forging buddy to make truely memorable maps.
Click on the links. they work just fine. I'm new to the forum thing. How do you get the picture to showup in the post?
Please update it as soon as possible, if you don't understand how, here is a toturial, if you still don't get it, message me