so i jus got done with what seems a pointless game sesh... is it just me or did the updated take out VOTING in arena? Now i only played team doubles...nothing else so i dont know if this is true for every other game type 6 games....and all 6 were slayer DMR's (I cant stand slayerDMR's i wanna play Slayer Pro bungie!) does bungie not trust me, or the rest of the world to choose a map? is this why they tell me what map/gametype im playin? lol hmmmmmmm i call bullshit bungie please put voting back into the mix! but thanks for fixing zealot! see EDIT* just read in bungies blog that they took slayer pro out for seanson 2....**** THAT **** BUNGIE!!! anyone wanna buy/borrow my halo:reach for a month....... : Blog
You REALLY need to pay attention to Bungie's website. They removed the Pro game variants... not all but a lot of them.
They said in their update that they took out slayer pro from arena, so there is no voting roung for team arena. Although in my opinion bungie should have voting for a map.
The reason they took out slayer pro I think is to highlight the use of armor abilities, and to force people to choose and use them strategically. Also this punishes people who dont know how to, like a lone wolf with armor lock, or a sprinter going inbetween 4 people, or a high flying jetpacker (its supposed to be a jump booster not wings,) or misuse of camo (running around thinking you're 100% invisisble,) or breaking suprise with a hologram. This creates an added element to the game, that Bungie feels should be used, and makes being a good player just that much harder.
Yeah, i noticed it too. Slayer Pro got removed from season 2... Meh. I still prefer Slayer DMRs. But that's my opinion. Offtopic: On Zealot, you can just camp in Space. Almost nobody chooses jet Pack so you can just grab the concussion rifle, crouchwalk to an edge of the platform and wait till an enmey passes by. I saw someone camping there and slaughtering my team so i jetpacked up there, assasinated him and took his place.
Slayer pro is a terrible gametype. all it is plasma grenade spam and needle rifles. Which are overpowered. (overpowered in the sense that you shouldnt start the match out with them.)
I'd actually have to disagree that needle rifles are overpowered, because they lose accuracy alot more than the DMR, so you have to hold off just a bit longer to zero in on the headshot once shields are down. Although plasma nades are overpowered to start off with.
You can fire a NR almost perfectly accurately semi-auto. Holding down the trigger for full-auto blooms it like crazy though.
bungie did good. on slayer pro zelot everybody would go warden and head spaceside. you could also camp on the team towers and supercombine anything coming up the lift easy
I never play arena. I just play to have fun, even if i get yelled at by teammates for running around w/ a pistol
That and Arena Zealot now treats space like a soft kill zone, so that complaint is no longer valid in most cases.