Valve annouced a month ago the release date for "The Sacrifice" DLC Coming out Today (October 5th). Which it did.... On PC that is. Xbox 360 users have to wait until mid-night which is tomorrow by the sounds of it. Valve makes the dumbest mistake I've ever seen. They pull out some content, But Instead of getting paid on the first day, they give it to PC users for Free while Xbox Owners have to sit back another day and waste 560 MS Points. Why? WHY? Valve doesn't know anything about making money, But of course this isn't the only time they F**ked up. Remember "The Passing" DLC. Yeah, Dated for March but ended up in April. F**K that. Valve you got to learn from your mistakes. Don't confirm anything unless you know your ready. I have that issue too but thats just maps going to a Local Site. No an Entire Nation/Army of Gamers. Valve just sucks PERIOD!
well Microsoft is probably charging them to put it on xbox, or microsoft is trying to make a profit themselves so cool your jets.
When has valve ever released on the date they said they would? More "Valve Time". Thats all it is. "Valve Time" has become an industry term used jokingly with game releases from Valve, used to acknowledge the difference between the promised time for released content stated by Valve and to the actual release time". Valve knows about this kinda stuff and sometimes does it for lols.
I just love when they do it for lols. And you know what? They really do spend a lot of wasted time, just for the lols
But think of how happy the PC gamers are. =D Seriously though; I haven't played any DLC from valve (or from anyone else but Bungie, for that matter), but I am more than happy with their games (Portal ftw). So I would have to disagree that Valve "just sucks PERIOD!"
Its kinda hard to think they are wasting time when they are actually playing Minecraft in there offices allday! /lol. "It seems, dear friends, that our development team has succumbed to Minecraft addiction." Still I love valve, one of favorite development teams out there and these kinda deals just make them even more lovable ;3.
MS decides when stuff goes up and l4d isn't very high on there priority list. valve is a good developer and they understand making money because l4d 1 and 2 are on sale on steam now for less than buying the dlc alone.
Maybe because Valve has generally played more to the PC market than 360 (for good reason)? Have you considered the fact Valve almost definitely gets more money (I'd say over 3 times as much as the Xbox market) from their PC area as opposed to the Xbox one? Have you considered Valve-time is a well known joke and by this point they actually purposefully throw out earlier release dates to keep up with that joke? Also, it's one day. I can't believe you're making a big deal ("an army of gamers" in outrage) because of one day. Cost is to be expected, that's how things are done on the Xbox. Expansions are usually free on the computer.
First of all, we don't care what you think. I've had to respond to two very similar threads about you bitching about something, and I'll be the one to say it, but who gives a ****. ONE DAY. Second of all, Microsoft is MAKING VALVe charge for their DLC, because MS doesn't believe in free DLC that adds another campaign/achievements. PC is free because L4D and L4D2 are based off of VALVe's own digital distribution service. Can your next rant be about how Half Life: Episode 3 hasn't come out yet? Thanks.
I actually be fine if he bitched about half life: episode 3, its high time they got their asses in gear and pumped that ***** out so I can play it. Now, complaining about 1 day delay... not a very grounded complaint. For gods sake, i waited about 11 years for Starcraft 2 to come out. Yeah, makes your 1 day look like **** now, doest it? Maybe thinking about something before you whine about it would help your cause. If you actually look at alot of stuff Microsoft has done lately its mainly all to pump us out of more money, just look at the price of arcade games that would have been 600 or 800 for a full arcade game, now we have to pay around 1200 for a decent arcade game. Or ODST, I'm fairly certain it wouldn't have been priced as a full game if it were up to Bungie. Also just look at the price of Kinect, I personally don't see it lasting that long either, give it about 2-4 years and this whole motion control thing will die down again for about 6 more years then pop up again. /rant
You know valve loves to flatter PC gamers and just puts stuff on consoles for the opportunity to troll them, right?
**F**k Half-Life Ep.3! I've played the first 2 and they were just sh*t. My friend's like"Half-Life is the best shooter in any genre". Yeah BULLSH*T! Halo Started it all on Console. I've always hated PC Gaming. MS did annouce the DLC would come out on the 5th. That False Advertise! IGN, GTTV and other of such have a release date of the 5th. I don't care what you think about from my perspective. I know I'm bitchy because I waited and waited (April 2010) just to get it, to find out its been delayed for Xbox Only. SWEET, I got 400 MS Points from MS. For free too, Downloading DLC. I have to admitted though, Half-Life Ep.3 should be worked on by now. Starcraft II (Someone Commented) I find very interesting since Im not too much of a PC gamer besides Diablo II. Starcraft II doesn't feel new to me anymore because it feels like the same game with new add-ons. Then again "If its not broken, Don't fix it". I don't wanna get too off topic. But yeah. PS: I will always rant about something that is Interesting and looks fun, just to find out its been delayed because of dumb excuses. **Cough** **Cough** GEARS OF WAR 3!
I do kind of get ticked off when I think about what L4D was supposed to be. The demo promised like 7-11 special infected for L4D1! ANd the Director was supposed to give you entire other pathways to take. The game wasn't even supposed to have a difficulty as the diector was supposed to change how hard it was according to how well you did (it even was supposed to be smart enough specifically target those who weren't with the group). In stead the only thing it does even close to thsat is change the general area where things spawn, althought that gave it some replay value personally I think it is one of the most repetative games I've played. Sorry for the wall of text.
Devil95. You are now REQUIRED to message me before you start a new thread, because none of them hold any merit other than to laugh at you for bitching so often. If you don't do so, you'll assuredly be infracted for spam. LOCKED.