Well They Lose things Or have to pay 4 next week. Trust me I had 5 stacks of 64 gold -Legit- People were just too rich. we had towns every second. To run a good gvt/economy there should be rich-middle-poor You cant just have all rich. I also added a Quest System, So if you complete the task you get whatever the price is. Two quests have been put up. check front page.
I think for tax system every block should have a value. To pay off your weekly tax you must reach the value in blocks, rather than gold. That way, if someone neglects to pay taxes, you just remove the value of the tax from the house. F.E.: I have a square house. It is made of: 1,000 Cobblestone 200 Smoothstone 300 Mossy Cobblestone 400 Bookcases You come round for taxes, but I don't have any cash to pay you because I'm offline. So it's time to seize the taxes. Here's a price chart F.E. TAX: 10,000 U Values: 1 Cobblestone: 1 U 1 Smoothstone: 5 U 1 Mossy Cobblstone: 100 U 1 Bookshelf: 100 U 1 Iron: 200 U 1 Gold 5000 U 1 Diamond 25000 U You are in a bad mood and decide to tax sufficiently. You remove from the house 1k cobblestone, and 90 mossy cobblestone. That pays off the tax, and serves as punishment for not paying my taxes in time. That style of system. Now that board above? Not a very good board. Most taxes would require you to pay the gold or you would instantly lose your entire house. I suggest if you're going to use that system, to rework the board. Another suggestion I have. Make the return rate of Gold to Cobblestone much lower. Like you can buy 1 Gold with 6250 cobblestone, as is now, but you can only get, say, 320 cobblestone for one gold. For one gold I could have more rock then I could ever imagine right now. A little ridiculous. 5 stacks of building materials for 1 gold sounds a little better, don'tcha think? I also think you should be able to AFK pay your taxes, via a "tax box." When a tax collector comes around to the house if you're not playing he takes the cash out of the tax box. One more idea to make the game a little more realistic. Taxes don't make much sense right now. I think that taxes should work like this: King: Is the end of the line for most cash from taxes. It goes here. From here, he pays people for resources and public works, in order to expand his kingdom. He is allowed to take a lease for these things in order to say that he will tax his people in order to pay for his resources. Since a king owns his kingdom/civilization, he does not have to pay off the debts of any other nation, unless he borrows money from another. Mayor: Has to pay off the kings debt. The debt is shared between all mayors. More buildings = more taxes. If a king owes a builder 20 diamonds, and there are 5 mayors with the same size town, each mayor has to come up with 4 diamonds to pay the king. Citizen: Pays the mayor of the town he lives in. Following the above scenario, say there are 5 people living in a town, including the mayor. The mayor, as a reward for being mayor of a town, does not have to pay taxes. BUT. If he does not come up with his towns share of the money he will lose control of his town. Therefore, he taxes the four other citizens 1 diamond each. If one lacks the cash, he will evict/do w/e to the player. He'll pay anything else out of his own pocket. The citizen himself will pay his or her share, and it will travel through the ranks until it reaches the builder. One more thing, just to keep the idea of taxes healthy, and constantly in motion: A minimum tax formula. A forced goal. A king MUST collect taxes until the point that what is in the kingdoms bank equals half of the kingdom's worth. The formula for MINIMUM tax collection in the kingdom equals this: If x = kingdoms worth AND If y = Current cash in coffers AND If z = weekly tax (on the king, not on the citizen) THEN z = ((x/2)-y)/8 Total Taxation Example: Ex. A king owns a civilization and a City. That means his kingdom is worth a total of 22,000 gold. He already has 5,000 gold. Following the formula, he needs to collect for the next week: z = ((22,000/2)-5,000)/8 z = 750 The king needs to come up with 750 gold for the week. Based on the idea that there are 25 buildings in the kingdom, the king collects 30 gold for each building. Next week: z = ((22,000/2)-5750)/8 z = 656.25 (Always round up) 657 Assuming the number of buildings is the same, tax = 26.28 per building. Round up. 27 per building. I'm gonna go ahead and assume that this kingdom is actually going to use it's lots though, and isn't just giant space. So in reallity, seeing as the kingdom would probably be using 100 lots, the tax would be 1/4 as much per building, around 7.5-6 per building, fairly reasonable. For a kingdom that is. Just an idea to keep it a little more realistic.
Or we could not do taxes and just adjust the prices accordingly. Taxes seem like a major pain in the ass for everyone involved. I think you should also include a free build area on the server where people can build whatever they want without having to pay for it. I would also like to see a very big starting lot to build your first house in. Minos looked dumb because our houses were so small that everyone had to make a typical rectangular room.
well thought out post but im gonna have to vote this down. puts to much stress on people and takes the fun out of it. so i say we all get a starter lot and if you wanna buy a lot you can buy it. or you can rent one. and then your rental system can kick in then
Gonna be back in one hour. Ben is watching server. If anything is griefed first victims are Orange and Mischgasm. As they were eager for me to leave and i don't quite trust them yet. youtuber was banned as we checked the log and he burned down my house. youtuber will be unbanned tomorrow.
neither but the post above your says it will be up in an hour. idk how long that is from now (9:15 pacific) but it should be up within an hour
When they posted it was 10-11:30 CST which translates to 11-12:30 EST There were server problems up to that point. I understand now it's closed, and it has been for a half hour, but I wasn't able to get on at around 10:45 (CST), and again at around 11:45
I hope that TNT didn't mess up the server, I'd hate for us to have to move servers again, I'd just stop caring about earning anything since we just switch servers every few days.