Cold Fusion V2 The 2nd version has modified the weapons a bit. This is my first real map on Halo Reach. This is a nice small symmetrical map, good for slayer and team slayer. Weapons 4 Needle Rifles 4 Magnums 1 Shotgun 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Plasma Repeaters 2 Plasma Pistols 4 Plasma Riffles 8 Plasma Grenades 8 Frag Grenades 2 Needlers 4 DMRs 4 Assault Rifles Here are teh pics. Basic overview of the map. Another pic, here you can see the blue bunker with a active camo and 2 plasma grenades inside. Here is the opposite side of the map with the red bunker with an overshield and 2 plasma grenades inside. This is in between the red and blue bunker it has 2 plasma grenades and a plasma repeater on the inside, and a sniper rifle on the top (which you can walk up to). There is another one of these on the opposite side of the map. This is the middle a Gravity hammer spawns here and 4 walkways merge here. This is in the middle underneath the above picture it has a shotgun in there and a magnum on each ramp.
it would be better to just post this map when you do have the pics. but i did download it so i'll check it out
Pictures would be cool to have some pictures to see what it looks like, otherwise your threads gonna be locked and no one will dl....which will sucks if you worked hard on something.
Your post is not up to standards. You must embed at least one picture of your map in this post. For the future, post your map when you have pictures. You'll be given a reasonable amount of time to make the changes before I lock it.
You need pics, but anyways I played this map on team snipers and it was pretty fun my only advice is to place more spawns or add more levels to the map. 3.5/5
The problem you're having is that you aren't using the direct link of the image. Hurry up and fix, I don't want to have to lock this.
Ok go to your reach screenshots and left click on the screenshot itself and then click on copy image url then put it inside this
Nevermind got it I was using imageshack btw Added after 12 minutes: Thank you everyone for helping me post my first map =D I'm working on a race one now that you don't fall off all the time cause that what it seems like all these race maps are like. Added after 6 minutes: How do i make the specified picture? You know the one when your browsing through threads the one you would see on the left.