LONG, POSSIBLY BORING BACKSTORY: So, back in Halo 3, when I was browsing through the (Forge Hub? Bungie.net?) map lists, I saw this interesting map + gametype involving driving down a long road with an enemy shooting rockets at you and your teammates. I didn't DL it at the time because I didn't have Sandbox. When I finally did get Sandbox (courtesy of Halo: ODST), I attempted to find that map + gametype again, but to no avail. So, I tried to remake it, and I got positive feedback from my friends. However, my version was a bit short, and I sorta felt it was a bit bland. Also, the name (Rocket Road) seemed a bit silly. /MOST OF THE POSSIBLY BORING BACKSTORY With Forge 2.0, I've tried to create that game again. I've named it Missile Mile (yes, still silly), but I've started to notice some differences from Halo 3. I could've sworn I read somewhere that the Halo 3 rockets flew perfectly straight (and they seemed to in-game as well), but the Halo: Reach rockets seem to fly in a slight arc. Also, they don't seem to go on forever (I tried to make a ridiculously straight + long road spanning from the Coliseum to the water next to Hemorrhage). Is it just me, or are the rockets actually affected by gravity? Also, the Coliseum walls seem to be out of place ever so slightly every time I load the map. I read that this is similar to the wall glitch in Halo 3, and that it's unfixable. Is it really impossible to remedy? In addition, the respawn points don't seem to be affected by my Spawn at start: FALSE settings. And sometimes my 5x5 flat blocks disappear. And my saves seem to not always work. What could be the source of these problems? Any help would be appreciated.
I've heard rumors about rockets being affected by gravity now, but haven't had a chance to test it. That problem is unimportant, however, compared to the fact that rockets will now lock onto the mongooses. I think shots from the rocket warthog don't drop or lock on, so that could substitute just as well, and make the gametype more difficult.
Respawn points are set to never respawn by default. Perhaps if you changed this, you might see something happen.
Oh, they're already changed. They are set to 15, 30, and 50 seconds depending on for what vehicle. Still no worky EDIT: Oh yeah, before you ask, Min: 0 | Max: 25