Hello everyone. My name is ResilientMonkey, and I am a forger. I belong to the Hawtite Horde over at HawtyMcForums and have been a Halo lover for a long time. I've been a closet forger since Halo 3 and am really enjoying the new features in Halo: Reach. I hope to get to know you all better and see some awesome creations. I also hope to be able to contribute as well.
Hello ResilientMonkey, I see u are new in Forgehub. I am hoping in seeing your maps! I, to, am a closet forger, but I barely post them here in Forgehub. But, I post machinimas with my group called PWNAGEStudioz, hence my account name. That's getting too personal and again... WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!!1!
Welcome RM (I cannot be bothered typing out your name, so is RM fine?). While some people stay in the forging related areas, I suggest you get more involved, perhaps in the Tester's Guild which, as the name suggests, tests maps. There you can help others out and become a more active part of the forums. Cya round RM.
I'd be glad to I guess I'm a bit hesitant being new and didn't want to act cocky. I'm also currently working full-time along with a 3-night-a-week entrepreneur class with a TON of homework. Give me a bit more time and I'll see what I can do about getting more involved