Hi, As the name suggests its all about soccer: -two teams -with score count ! 5 Rounds -Golf ball no Soccer Ball, flys better, Soccer Ball get crazy Physik by many players oO -two different gametypes! -In these Gametypes training brings something, because the golf ball can be hit very exactly -1vs1 to 4vs4 -edit: found out this is only the second Soccer Gametype that have a stockpile count system, first one was made by Wolftacular, i hope u will enjoy his soccer version too link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/107438-soccer-field.html sYko soccer -download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details -Hammer -Jetpack or Run -150% Run Speed The First strike at the beginning A nice shot And i don´t get it Crazy sYko soccer -download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details -Concussion Rifle -infinity jetpack -100% runspeed -my favorite Here I could save the ball just before my goal... Again a nice shot! And again i don´t get it but its only hit the pole Download: Complete Fileset: Bungie.net : Reach : Player File Sets
u used stockpile? what a questions, u must use it, the only way it works. So u made a soccer map too? Link ? I will edit my post and write sth like "the second soccer mode with goalcount" edit: searched ur history and found it, i will write sth in the first post, moment pls edit2: i wrote sth, i hope its okay for u
Uh, thanks for that. I just thought u had taken inspiration from my map, that's all =P But thanks for the ad. I'll post I link to urs on mine too
thanks man sry people i see i have upload my soccer map with 2 Balls, don´t know why maybe a buddy dit it xD Now the version have only one ball ! and i don´t know how but i update my map in the fileshare without resetting the dl/like count or the tags oO edit: and now it got a reset.... very confusing ... edit2: if somebody want to play a 1on1 with crazy syko soccer send me a message gt: sYko de4d