Zealot!!!!!!!!! does anyone else agree that BUNGIES great idea in Zealot (SPACE) is a F'in JOKE! did they forget to test this map??? I mean honestly if your playin SLAYER DMR's at the start you better JETPACK to the top to hold the roof down....or is your playing SLAYER PRO its sprint to the jump tubes to get up to the roof! -of course i am guilty of doing both of these BECAUSE YOU HAVE TOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! i have played a few games (honor system) that when people boosted to the top we just teabaged the floor until they came down and we end up fighting the rest of the game inside.... <---doesnt always work, then you just look like youve never played the game before and cant figure out how to get up top! lol Soooooooooo, bungie please for the love of god fix this terrible mistake you have unfortunately created! please test your maps before releasing them! does anybody agree? (i hope)
FIRST of all, WHY are you TYPING like THIS? And secondly, there's nothing they can really do now. Unless they completely edit the map or take out the space section altogther which I wouldn't want them to do. I've never had this problem in any gametype other than doubles arena, and when it happened, I just didn't bother going up the lift. Even if I was losing I just stayed on the bottom floor. Hopefully the fags who are doing it will realize that they are destroying the game and it's just no fun waiting in one spot. I really couldn't care less if they win the game if I make it just as unenjoyable and boring for them as it is for me by wasting the game away doing nothing, it's their fault for camping. The new MLG maps have addressed the problem by blocking off the lifts completely which is awesome!
lol i was typing like that to EMPHASIZES what i was saying....worked didnt it lol and i forgot to mention i guess that i do only play doubles or at least have only played this map in doubles! and yes it does ruin the game and it is very annoying...like i said i try to stay out of there unless they go up... *i didnt see the MLG response to this - so thank you for that. it is good to hear cuz it is a overall good map besides space! @ursus - thank you for that as well problem solved!!!!!!!!!!! i was just ranting a little i guess
Not MLG's. Bungie's. There is a playlist update that should be out today, perhaps it hasn't hit you yet. Check Bungie.net or go play Arena to confirm. This new variant for Zealot will replace the original zealot in Swat and Arena games, which it sounds like you play a lot of. Edit: Whoops, I misinterpreted that. Didn't see the end of the post that had eked in before mine. I have issues with Zealot as well, particularly during Infection games. Easiest place to camp.
Zealot is a fine map. The space is meant to be used to get the drop on enemies, but if you have problems with it, just don't go up there.simple, really.
Haters gonna hate but I always grab the sword and camp up the top, swooping down on people when they are in sight and swording them.
lol i wish it was that simple...so if i am losing a doubles game and they go up top to camp then what you are saying is dont go up there?!? hmmmmm....i dont know about you but i dont like wasting 12mins of my life waiting for them to come down!!! THIS IS MY POINT THAT I WAS MAKING!!! space ruins the map and like the other posts/reply's above bungie has addressed this....please dont make stupid comments my friend! lol
Every game i have played on Zealot, almost no one goes outside. And if they do its usually a quick 1v1 up there before coming down, or going up then drop bearing someone. Ive really only had one game where the space section was actively used. That game the entire game was up there, it was fun as hell. There is nothing wrong with Zealot, yea people do cheaply use the space section of it sometimes, but i havnt experienced it and Zealot is one of my liked maps.
next to pinnacle, reflection, and hemorrhage, zealot is the worst map in the game. the addition of the soft kill zone in some gametypes does help though.
Pretty sure I never go up there, and also pretty sure the map plays fine when I don't. I don't go up there, I don't see camping bitches like you, and I have fun. Map is fine.
wow you must not play arena at all my friend....have fun with team training matches. i know how to play halo i was a 50 in h3...unlike you so go back to your jetpack son and fly off a cliff...dont forget to Armour lock b4 you hit the ground because, yes, i know you prolly use both of those n00b choices bk I am 23... the soft kill helps a ton now so we dont have this problem
the problem was when the entire opposing team goes up there and stays up there. which used to happen in almost every game i played with dmr starts. the update fixed it though
Zealot is a fine map. I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of "fatigue" factor being implemented on it though, where if you're out there for too long it'll kill you. Maybe something like a soft soft soft kill zone. Although, there's a solution to all of this. Don't let them go up there and camp. But you can only use 1 loadout ability at a time. =/
Wow, i love ranters. The map is absolutely fine. The space idea is original, and actually adds to gameplay, allowing players to get the drop on unsuspecting enemies. As for your Halo 3 50, your gamertag proves false. So, to further strengthen my point, there is a map voting system. Meaning You can vote for what map you want, and can cry when you get outvoted and have to play on Zealot. And, please stop flaming our members. You have no right, and no reason to tell them that "they're noobs ass bk's" and such. ~Sincerely, Tucci
If they are camping up the top, then wait for them to come down. Patience is a virtue. They will come down eventually. They are more likely to get bored than you are if you decide to be patient. And, my friend, my comment was not stupid. Yours on the other hand... Dude, you can ease off on the flamethrower now. And what do you mean, AL and jetpack are 'nooby'?
He means that despite his purported great skill in Halo 3, he can't react when someone is suddenly immobilized and weaponless, or when they are twenty feet in the air with erratic aim and no cover.
winner winner winner winner winner. not gonna lie, Tucci, i love you right now. i dont play arena, so i dont know what the soft kill zone is like. is it just 10 seconds? or is it like 30 seconds?
orig gamertag not a 50 its locked with xp : ( ....but would you like to buy one of my other accounts? do you really think i have one? and to everybody else WE ALREADY DECIDED THE MAP IS FIXED AFTER BUNGIE DID THE UPDATE....like the third post so why is everyone coming back to flame on me...im just standing up for myself.... i wouldnt say anything if ppl didnt start talking first lol this isnt a big deal and this post turned into a bunch of **** that no-one cares about...like i said problem solved after update. so please stop ripping on a burred thread! blah blah blah blah blah