Hey guys! I'm new to Forge Hub, but have been reading some threads here for about 6 months. I've found a trick that allows vehicles to "float" on water, while Spartans/Elites do not. This makes the perfect boat. YouTube - Halo Reach Tutorial: Usable Boats I think this could make some very interesting maps and would love to hear the community's opinions!
its a great idea. a very simple and effective way of this. can this be done above ground too if you get the right height? i actually have a great idea to use this.
Thank you Wooden Leaf: I would assume you can use it above ground if you put the kill barrier exactly on top of the grid.
Actually I already made one It's called Pirates. It will be released on October 25th along with a whole bunch of other maps my friend and I made. Here is a preview: YouTube - KMFE2010 - Pirates Preview (Usable Boats)
That's cool, but I'd love to see a bigger one - bigger islands, more water to travel over. Might also be cool to have an aerial component above it. I do like your pirate ship though.
Two ideas: 1. Why use a grid since this should be possible on any surface. 2. The kill barrier should be unnessecary since there is already a kill barrier in the water. Submarine anyone? I think this is the sane principle used for wraith attack.
This is a great idea. What I'm going to do is utilize your technique here and see if there's a competitive-style map that can be made with it. Would you like your tag in the description of the map for credit, or does that not matter to you?
What..? The grid is there so vehicles stay on the surface of the water and don't sink. The kill barrier is necessary because of the grid - you can walk on it and therefore the water won't kill you.
I think he's asking why you can only use a grid(sorry if it isn't). The grid is pretty much transparent, large, and effective. Sure, other walls could be used, but it's much simpler with a grid. Anyway, this is a great find. If I could get on my Xbox now, you'd be sure that I would.
Yes please, credit would be great! The grid is needed as it literally becomes invisible underwater, unlike walls etc. The kill barrier is needed as the grid is still shallow enough to walk on so if you want real boats you'll need the kill barrier. While play testing my Pirates map, anybody new to the map would actually avoid the water until they saw the boats worked. If you used coliseum walls or just normal walls you would still see them underwater unless they would be knee deep in which case the boats would not work as well.
Just a question. Which vehicles work best for this kind of thing? Warthogs are a given, but Mongoose(plural form, idk) seem a bit to short. Other vehicles might work, but the only ones I can think of are Hogs.
At first I decided to use Ghosts/Revenants because my original theory was that they would hover "over" the kill barrier. I accidentally loaded up slayer pro when play testing my map and the Ghosts were replaced by Mongeese, and they still worked. So, I'm guessing that any vehicle would work. Not sure about tanks though.
Here's a question (I would try it now, but I don't have access to my xbox): In the event of a rollover where the vehicle will end up back on it's wheels (or equivalent), does the player get killed when his head is down?
I thought other kinds of walls might be useful for gametypes that involve doing this without the water part, like vehicle only areas of maps. Then pieces that are aestheticly better would work. About using the preexistig death barrier under water, I thought it might allow the lowest possible use of vehicles so they could be entirely submerged.