Wow, it's not even that much. You must fail at life. I wonder how you live life without reading... And nerd? Wtf is a nerd? It must be a douche word for somebody who makes an effort in what they do. Am I right?
when did i mention exacted? silly furious... to zTo Norlinsky and Commander, it might not be the highest scoring aesthetic map, but the gameplay is insanely fun and quite epic at times. i ask that you first play this map before commenting on it without actually experiencing it, you will not realize how it works and why i made the decisions that i did. GoodWhaleSushi, try to stay on topic, i am trying to stay away from arguments so if you feel like arguing, take it out of this thread.
Nemi your reply to his accusation was pure gold you dont even have to read the quotes to get it. Ivory the map looks amazing and i'm downloading right now. Ill edit this with real feedback as it comes. Oh and btw Yom,it's dumbass ignorant one liner posts like your that no one reads,they just skim over them and read the longer mosts that are likely to contain something useful
woooooops, silly me, that stupid debate ended up in me not even giving me opinion on map...which by the way, i have to say this looks like a sexy 2v2 map, great job 5/5
Playing this map was very fun the spawns were tested extensively and work very well for such a small map. Playing CTF on this map was very fun and makes for a lot of quick caps if y0u can maintain map control which is surprisingly hard. I love KOTH on this map especially when it in the center with all the signs. Try throwing nades at the signs they will land perfectly in the center and get rid of any pesky ivory snakes that may be on the hill. Ohyeah did i mention Kashmir Highlands is overrun with Ivory Snakes everywhere.. But yeah a great map and i also there are pictures of lifeless body so yah for me. 8.5/10 D/L NOW
Looks cool. Usually I know about when you're making a new map buthis one suprised me. It really looks like Fractured succesor
This map looks great Ivory, great use of interlocking. This reminds me alot of gradiant, which is a good thing.
Love this map Iv0rY. Gameplay was intense with you and vice. The power drain is kind of a god weapon on this map, and same goes for the mauler. CTF and KOTH make this map stand out of the rest of the pack.
Oh no, he advertised, and you spam-a-lot, which is worse.....? Spam. But anyways, you always do seem to make a better and bettermap like this, you know, the ones with the actually organic flooring. I really like it, you actually made cool bases which will greatly increse the gameplay.
I don't spam, Brute-y. You do. What's with all these false accusations on me? O_O He's just jealous. =P On regards to the map, it actually seems like it would be kinda fun for Conquest. Conquest will make me dl that map, so get on it!
Hey ivory i really like this map.As you know everymap has a bad side to it.Here is yours.Camping can be a big problem in this game.The flag places is a place to camp for people.that is all.Pallet parade may have beaten me but this will not. Muwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
camping is not a problem, in the centre of the map, there is no where to camp because it is open, and in the bases, i have placed fence walls for one of the walls so that if someone is attempting to camp inside a base, you can shoot him from outside. see, i do think about these things, just like i used a power drain and mauler because using one with the other is pointless since the mauler is close range. so next time you accuse a map of being campable, actually play a game on it first please.
well, placing lots of cover came from the criticisms of Fractured V1, which were basically, unsafe spawning and not enough cover, so i figured lets place lots of cover and me Vice and chips spent hours perfecting the spawns for all gametypes, so, 99.99% of the time, it will work as intended.