"There must be a name for this..." "An impasse, sir; an impasse." --- So I was rollin' about Forge World looking for some geometry to inspire me when I came across Alaska. "My," I thought to myself, "What an odd resemblance this here plot bears to the rolling hills of Halo 3's Standoff!" My curiosity piqued, I threw down a pair of Blood Gulch's half-bases to examine how a recreation of Standoff might look in this hilly terrain. Out of those bases grew Impasse, a spiritual successor to Standoff with the obligatory synonymous title. It may look like I've added hardly anything to the map, but that's only because it's true. The existing terrain did so much of the work for me. There are a few dozen carefully placed rocks, some of my favourite new pieces - dishes, and the vehicles, weapons, spawns and objectives I saw fit to add. But don't get me wrong, this took a lot of tweaking and it plays like any other fully-featured creation should. Impasse is more vehicle-heavy than anything else I've done, with 2 Banshees, 2 'Hogs and 4 Mongii; and 2 Rocket Launchers and a Spartan Laser to bolster the confidence of footsoldiers. There are also 2 Sniper Rifles because I can't resist adding them, but fear not: Impasse features steeper hills, taller rocks and more existent trees than Standoff did, and the Sniper Rifle doesn't dominate too much. Also on the map is a pair of Needle Rifles, a pair of Needlers, a pair of Plasma Pistols and four DMRs. Oh, and grenades all about. It's set up for all major team objective types (I had to change 'Assault' in the item description to 'Bomb' because of a censor bypass), but if you only play one game I would make it Multi Flag, lotsa fun. Weapons List: 4x DMRs @ 90s, 2 spare clips. 4x Needle Rifles @ 90s, 2 spare clips. 2x Needlers @ 60s, 2 spare clips. 2x Plasma Pistols @ 90s. 2x Mounted Machine Guns @ 100s. 2x Sniper Rifles @ 120s, 1 spare clip. 2x Rocket Launchers @ 160s, 0 spare clips. 1x Spartan Laser @ 160s. 6x Plasma Grenades @ 30s 2x Frag Grenades @ 30s. 2x Active Camo @ 150s. 4x Mongii @ 60s. 2x Banshees @ 150s. 2x Warthogs @ 150s. And now the screens: --- And that's it for today folks. This obviously isn't a map to download and fly around in, admiring creative genius or intricate forging; it's a map to download and play in, recreating the awesome original experience of Halo's team games. Thanks, and may the Forge be with you.
Could you add a weapons list? Also you should add more bases. It is way to open and a ton of spawn killing is bound to occur. I like how you used natural cover for you map, it helps keep the environment real. But for the areas that do have structures, you should really exbound on them
I listed all the weapons and vehicles in paragraph form, but if you'd rather have it in a list per se, I can do that later this evening when I can check the times on everything. I was very careful with the placement of respawn points. While not every one of them is behind a rock (the majority are), they are all at least around the fringes of open area and not badly protected. I can appreciate that it might look too open for safe spawning for the screens, but having played it I know that this appearance is deceiving. As for the bases, I like them being this simple. The respawn points there are weakly weighted, and never became a problem in testing. It's not that I don't appreciate your thoughts, but these are largely subjective matters of opinion. It's a design choice to have the simple bases and the natural cover and impediments to line-of-sight, and from experience it works OK.
I really like this map. I like it because it looks overrun by I guess you could say the covenant. Or maybe it looks like a deserted base. I just like the way it is and multi-flag is really fun on this map in my opinion. It reminds me of the second mission in Reach. I forget the name of it. But thats the way it looks. Nice map.
^^ would it be Winter Contingency or ONI: Sword Base? Anyways, I like the idea. I never would have thought of a standoff(ish) map, but I am glad there is one. I had a lot of great times and a lot of fun on Standoff, and I am excited to play this map. I do think that you should have put a giant wall on one side of the map to resemble the rock wall on one side of standoff and the cliff drop on the other.
I had wanted to put in a few Colliseum walls but it didn't fit the aesthetic. I have now added a rock wall along there which doesn't look too bad. It can be easily jumped on foot, but not without encountering a soft kill barrier, and more importantly it keeps ground-based vehicles on the map. Changes for 1.1 (now in the download link): - Added rock wall along Gulch-side of the map. - Added 2 Needle Rifles. - Changed respawn times on Turrets and Mongii to be symmetrical. - Added weapons list to this page. Thanks for the feedback guys. People are crying out mostly for an aesthetic boost, to give it more individuality and identity instead of leaving the majority of the work to Forge World. Any ideas?