Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Hey all, apologies if I've messed up the format for submissions in any way. I've got a map I'd like to submit to everyone here. I've poured quite a bit of time into it and would love to share it with the community. Retribution is a symmetrical map with several vertical levels made to have both close-quarter combat as well as medium to long distance engagements. The map was built with the idea of inter-level combat in mind as well as a dynamic, effective and aesthetic environment with which to wage war. Every piece was placed using the idea of fluidity and reaction to dictate it's form. After all, form follows function. The map has been set up for: Assault Oddball Capture the Flag Head Hunter Slayer Team Slayer Stockpile King of the Hill All game types listed include their respective variants as well. Please take a look, download and give me your feedback. Crewman Edited for content per forum admins. Regards. Screens...
This is a draft?! Looks pretty finished to me It's in my download queue, I'll look at it once my Xbox decides to work again
Yes, well, it's a draft in that I made it as complete as I can and now I need player feedback on how it plays, if there's something you feel is lacking, something you feel is an annoyance or problem. Things like that. Crewman
To get it lined up evenly I made a real conscience effort to use the "edit coordinates" tool. The map is four sided symmetrically and meets in the middle at several separate locations. That meant that accuracy was critical for proper alignment. Crewman