Does setting the spawn sequence on a respawn zone do anything? I'm hoping it will do something useful like: make the respawn zone's more influential on spawning, OR even better, use neutral respawn zones like Halo 3 style respawn zones. I mean be able to assign them to a team number like Defenders(1), Attackers(2), 3rd team, 4th team, etc., rather than a team color. That way, in a multi team game, you don't have 4 teams respawning on one half of the map, and only one team respawn on the other half Or does spawn sequence do nothing? that would be disappointing.
Spawn sequence governs the phase at which that item spawns. For instance if you were to make an invasion map and made a gate with spawn sequence 2, when you got to the 2nd phase the item would spawn. You can simply make something more influencial by using a normal spawn zone as apposed to a weak spawn zone.
You would want to set 'spawn at start' to false and then set the respawn timer to whenever you want the spawn zone to spawn. Spawn.
I created an invasion map and I'm still having major problems with my spawns. I went into forge in the bone-yard and spire maps to check out how they made their spawning zones for invasion. In the maps I noticed that they did not have team colored re spawns. All they had was team colored initial spawns......the ones in the starting area were set to spawn sequence "0" and the game type label was "Invasion". The second area of spawn was set to spawn sequence "1" and the third area spawns appear during the third part of invasion was to "2". In each of the areas was a hill marker. All three of these hill markers were all game type label "Inv_Res_p1" and were either set to 0, 1 or 2 for spawn sequence. I went back into my map and removed all of the team colored initial spawns and re-spawns. I then went in and placed all new initial spawns and set the spawn sequence to "0" for the area I wanted the teams to initially spawn, to "1" for where I wanted them to spawn once phase 1 was completed, and to "2" for where I wanted them to spawn once phase 3 started. I also set up the hill marker zones similar to what I saw. Unfortunately when I went to play test it my spawns still weren't working the way I intended them to. Both teams were spawning in areas that they weren't supposed to. I am starting to wonder if maybe my neutral spawns on the map are screwing it up. Also, in the Bungie maps I looked at the zone's were all set up as Inv_Res_1" I am wondering if I need to change the area I want to spawn for phase 2 to Inv_Res_2 and the same for phase 3. Its really frustrating me because I want to post this map here for game testing but can't do it until I figure out the spawn issues.
Im with ya brother (misterxboxnj) I too did the exact same thing as you (looking into how bungie set up there invsn maps) Im still not getting what i want to happen. if i, I mean "when" I figure this bad boy out ill post it please do the same
There is a VERY comprehensive guide on that will help you with Invasion spawning: Invasion + Forge Guide I know it is necessary to use "Spawn sequence" in Invasion. My question is does it do anything at all in Slayer gametypes?
Will for the Forge + Invasion tutorial on Bungie's page...I tried using that but it didn't help. I have four areas of my map. 1. Field 2. Wall 3. Capture Area 4. Main Hall Phase 1 Blue Team spawns in Area 1 Red Ream spawns in Area 2. Phase 2 Blue Team spawns in Area 2 Red Team Spawns in Area 4 Phase 3 Blue Team spawns in Area 3 Red Team Spawns behind Area 4 After each phase I want to give the attacking team (Blue team) the option of spawning at the previous spawn area as well because there are vehicles back there as well they can use.
I want to use sequencing and delayed time for Soft Kills on SLAYER gametypes. I want to use it to push people tighter and tighter as the game progresses. Any ideas on how to used sequencing/delays to accomplish this for SLAYER?
Read my post above. You should be able to do it that way, or with Invasion Slayer, you can set the phases to change at a certain score.
I don't believe it does. Inv_Res_p1, _p2 & _p3 are for the 3 phases. The Spawn Sequence is for the fire teams 1, 2 & 3. (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie?) If you want to have the option to spawn in the same area in two differnt phases, add a spawn area marker for each phase and set the Spawn Sequence to 4 on all spawn areas. Each area will be selectable prior to respawn.
Hey guys, first time posting here. I was having real trouble with my invasion map spawns, even after following 'the official' bungie method and other guides. I finally decided to look at the supplied Boneyard invasion map in Forge to see how the bungie guys set things up. First of all I have to say it's a bit of a mess in there. there are items left over from other gametypes, so picking out the bits that relate to Invasion was a bit tricky. I'll try and run down how to layout the spawns 'unofficial bungie style' - the stuff I'm doing here seems to work on my own Invasion map. Just do it and don't question my methods! Okay - I'll layout an attacking spawn sequence - just repeat for the defence side. - Layout three groups of four initial spawn markers (the men with guns) pointing them towards the objective direction. These three groups are your three Fireteams. They have the number allocation of 0,1 or 2 VITAL STEP!! - Create a neutral respawn point somewhere nearby. If you don't do this and you manage to kill yourself during Forging you'll end up respawning in a random location in Forgeworld! This is the only 'real' respawn point you need to create (although I am working on a theory about this - watch this space...) - Create a Initial Loadout Camera. Apply the team colour. Aim it towards the objective or get creative and make an artistic view of the battlefield that will your players give an idea of your map layout. - Now create 3 Hill Marker objects and place one each at the location of your three groups of initial spawns. >>>>>> HILL MARKER SETTINGS This is the step you will repeat for all further hill markers - Select your hill marker. Point it in the right direction i.e. towards the objective. Now enter the menu system > Set the shape to 'NONE' > Assign it your attacking colour > go into advanced settings > set your Invasion phase number 'inv_res_p1' > set your spawn sequence number to 0,1,2, or 3. Repeat this step for your other Invasion Phase 1 hill marker points. (...and repeat this step creating 3 Hill Marker points for every Invasion Phase changing the label to 'inv_res_p2' and finally 'inv_res_p3') >>>>>> Lets talk about the Spawn Sequence number in relation to Invasion gametypes - This has nothing to do with the Invasion Phases. It has to do with the three Fireteams we created with our initial spawn points. Okay imagine you have been killed and you are in limbo, selecting your loadout. In Invasion you also have the option to respawn at one of three fireteam loactions by pressing up or down on your d-pad. If you set the Spawn Sequence to 0, 1 or 2 then the playercan only respawn at one of your three hill markers (Fireteam 0, 1 or 2) If you set it to 3 then pressing up or down will allow the player to pick from any Fireteam location in the current Invasion phase (any of the three hill markers you placed earlier). I made all of mine Spawn Sequence 3 to give flexibility in respawn locations in each Invasion phase. You may also wish to add a 'fallback' or safety respawn point. This allows the player another respawn point out of the line of fire if they are having a hard time at their current spawn. Create a hill marker a bit out of the way of the fight but somewhere that does not give any great advantage to the player. Set it up as described above but make the label 'inv_res_zone' and spawn sequence 3. You might even make it back at the initial spawn point. > > > So there you go. I'm in no way implying that this is the right way to do it. I'm not even sure if there is a right way. But this is the way that seems to work for me (afted days of horrific playtesting spawn nightmares) and it looks like the way that Bungie used in creating the Boneyard Invasion map. Give it a go - feel free to add my Gamertag or invite me into your Forge map to see if I can help. I'm UK based so you might have to take that into account... I'm no expert in Forge but I have spent lot of time trying to get this spawn thing sorted. GT: Heavy Voodoo
fixing the issue with invasion spawning ^^ the above post is wrong. spawn sequencing in invasion works like this. the spawn sequence value relates to a fireteam (yes they still exist. they just arent separated in any obvious way) ergo 0= fire team 1 only, 1=fire team 2, 2=fire team 3, and 3+ = any fireteam of that type (red is spartans regardless of the actual team color or attacking team, blue is elites regardless of the team color or attacking team.) in order to set spawns to appear in certain waves you need to go into advanced>tags> inv_spawn_(1, 2, or 3). the number corrisponds to the wave in which it's in use. hope this clarifies things source- required objects thread
@Ryukage19 He didn't ask about invasion, he wanted to know if changing the spawn sequence made them more influencional (sorry if that was a fail spelling).
Sorry, still not getting it. Can you tell me what I need in each area? Area 1 (Blue team initially spawns here in phase 1 and respawns here by choice in the rest of the phases) Area 2 (Red team initially spawns here, Blue team re-spawns here in phase 2, Red team no longer spawns here after phase 1) Area 3 (Blue Team re-spawns here after phase 2) Area 4 (Red Team re-spawns here after phase 1) Behind Area 4 (Red Team respawns here after phase 2)
@misterxboxnj i had the same problem.In the end what i ended up doing was having 3 hill markers at the initial respawn point,each Inv_res_p1,p2,p3. And for the second phase respawn point would be 2 hill markers Inv_res_p2 and p3. There`s probably an easier way but this worked for me.