Remake of Coagulation from Halo 2. I hoisted the base up on rocks in order to make room to house a banshee beneath the base. For the most part, this is hemmorhage with altered bases and weaponry. Also, I manipulated the circular bases to support a drop hole down to the basement and a grav lift to go from the basement to the interior of the base. I designed this with the intent of recapturing halo 2 ctf on coag. This is my first map and I appreciate feedback. I may go outfit this for assault game types if people enjoy it. Here is a screen of the banshee beneath the base and the grav lift And here a shot of the flag and the gravlift hole(it is really hard to distinguish, though) Again feedback is appreciated, I hope this map is close enough, or at least spurs the veterans to make a good coag map.
Honestly haven't played this (I'm short of friends on XBL that are willing to play Custom games - in fact, only 5 or so friends actually have Reach). The only thing I can see from the images would be that the "garage" (as I always called it) holding the Banshee doesn't seem to be quite as big as I remember it. Perhaps your scale is correct and my memory is not, but that's the only thing that stood out to me. As for this remake, I'd much prefer Coagulation to a Blood Gulch remake (this coming from a guy that spent YEARS on Halo:CE), simply because I though Coagulation was a better design.
I thought Co-ag was much better to. it did play a lot better than Hemmohage does. and the wierdest thing that annoys me is where the teleporters are, their just not in the right place!!!
This looks EPIC. Am downloading and playing this map in my head right now and I have to say, this map is awesome!! k, so will play it for realz and post a comment later saying how awesome it is (if it is (and I hope it is!)) With respect, Raymondo (KIDcanFLY) P.S: We HAVE to play this map some time. Add me on Live (gamertag is same as username)
I would have expected a bit more effort to have been put in to a Coagulation remake seeing as most of the map is already set out so most of the work would have had to go in to the bases, which aren't great. Honestly, the first screenshot makes me think "Wow, Coagulation in Halo Reach" and then I see the bases.... But I downloaded it anyway, maybe I could find something nice to say before I start listing my criticisms... or not. So you took Haemorrhage and made it in to Coagulation. Well, you tried. You took Haemorrhage and you just added the bits you vaguely remembered from Coagulation. I've got the map loaded as I'm typing this and I keep starting to type something but then I see something worse. I'll be blunt: this is not a good map. Spawns: They're all exactly the same as Haemorrhage's, no work by you. Some of them are actually blocked by your "additions" to the bases. Weapons: Again, the same as Haemorrhage but you added more, that is, you added some but forgot to remove the ones they were replacing (see the Plasma Launchers in the centre of the map) Forge skills: You have a nudge tool! There is no excuse for having adjacent walls so out of alignment! Only half of each base has been coloured. The 2x1 above the gravlift in Red Base is wonky as well as the 5x1 (pictured above) being totally of centre for no reason because you did manage to get those 2 things right in Blue Base. Blue Base isn't perfect though, the gravlift is on the wrong side, there is no side entrance in to the garage and none of the glass sails are aligned with the ramps. Then you somehow managed to mix up the teleporters and the Blue Base's health pack is floating above the base. I could go on. You didn't remake Coagulation, you just ruined Haemorrhage. (I know this is your first post but I think its better that I tell you the problems you've got so you can work on them, improve your map, test it then post the better version later on than me just saying "I didn't download it but your screenshots look good")
Yeah i have to agree after looking at the map im in a sense re doing it the way it should be, It is nice for your first map but i had to A. delete the whole garage except the floor (which i did anyway to remove blocked spawns) I left your base height the same but am re doing the bottom with curved walls and using actual ramps for the entrances and re placing the side entrance to both bases. You tired to remake it and i give you credit for that but given the amount of objects etc you should have taken more time.
I am glad you are redoing it. And i really do appreciate the feedback. This is my first map, and i wasn't expecting praise. But like i said, i hope it gets the veterans to make a more complete and accurate map. I loved coagulation and would like to be playing ctf on it. Thanks.