Ok, here we go. Our second map. Eggwhite productions brings you a new gametype... Bonnie and Clyde. We will be making some more maps to accomadate this gametype. It is basically where all these robbers have to survive in the snd they store they intended to steal from. Turns out, they got busted, the alrams went off and now they're waiting for Bonnie to bust 'em out! The robbers have to survive the whole 3 min time limit while two robbers respond to the crime. it takes them about 15 sec. to get to the seen... the robbers have poor camo and the only way for them to kill the cops is to assassinate them. So the map is pretty much a police station the cops spawn in and then a bridge... rocks... and then the Dept. Store. The map is also dark (night) because that's when smart people commit crimes. So it's got PURPLE AND OLD TIMEY. The Popo station and decor. This is where the cops spawn. The bridge It's sexxxay The rock path leading down to the crime scene. The Dept. Store This is the first floor. Robbers spawn. Checkout isles. OH, AND DID I MENTION THE ROBBERS ARE BOUNDED INSIDE BY THAT NEW ONE WAY SHIELD? Here is the meat counter, ticket thingy, meat slicer, fridge,and other things My bungie.net account was being a feminine dog so I couldn't get the other pics of upstairs. But there are alot of isles, and over 35 hiding spots. There are frezzer areas, a lobster tank, and many other things. Thanks for your time, and keep an eye out for more of our maps. -Eggwhite Productions
Not bad, but what if the cops don't go to the robber's area? There should be an objective that the robbers have to do in the building so they dont get bored and so that the cops actually WANT to go there
Ummm, the gametype link is not working, for me atleast. Could you please fix that so I can download the whole thing instead of just the map. Which by the way looks great from the pics and description. I have been waiting for this kind of cops and robber map because I do not have the creativity to make one myself, though I have tried. So... thank you.