Survive on The Conspirator Audio Log: Pvt 1st Class Samuel Anderson Code: 21/9: A.I. picked up several unidentified organics, floating around near the Myran cluster - mostly notably the Conspirator Relay Station. It hasn't activated any distress beacons, so it can't be anything important. Although, I need to remind Gavin about my ration card he borrowed... 24/9: Conspirator hasn't been talking for a few days, Alex over there is usually a chatty guy. Sarge says they've probably got a bug, a few [Sneeze] in my barracks are bed ridden - I'm coming down with it too. 29/9: Conspirator's completley shut down, the A.I. over there is acting normally though [Sniff]. Sarge is heading over with a few troops from D Section [Sniff], they're all a bunch of retards - [Cough] I've got a bet with Gavin that Sarge will go ape and shoot one of them. I can't go [Sniff], I was coming down with something. 30/9: Sarge sent us a communication early this morning [Sniff], he was at the airlock but something screwed it up. It wouldn't pressurize, they had something like...10 seconds to get beyond a pressure shield, else they'd suffocate. [Sniff] What a lovely story to wake up to. He made it through anyway. 2/10: Sarge says the A.I. at the conspirator started activating Biohazard "Containment sheilds", problem was - it was activating them the wrong way. The sheilds are basically a One-way system, go in - but you don't get out. 'cept the A.I. was putting them up so Sarge was on the "Couldn't get out" side. If you know what I mean. 6/10: Nothing from Sarge, and the A.I. over there isn't talking to us anymore. Something's definatley up... 11/10: We've got a squad ready, and we're heading to the Conspirator. The A.I.'s decided to activate the distress beacon, and command is flapping. There's an airlock near the communication's centre we can use, but no doubt we'll have the same problem as Sarge. I'm taking the helmet mic so I can send a log from the station. 12/10 (Field Log - Helmet Microphone): [Heavy Breathing] Multiple organics, black in colour and they're... [Gunfire - misc. curses] they're fast... I'll give them that. The A.I. has shut the door to the comms centre, I'm trying to get it, the lack of light ain't helping [Gunfire]. I think the crew were hit by a virus, something we haven't evolved to deal with. [Gunfire - screams] They keep getting our guys, then our guys get back up and try and claw us to bits. [Gunfire] If anyone hears this do- [Static] assist. I say again [Static] Assist! Oh Sh-[Link terminates] So... There's the backstory. Basically, I wanted to make an "Alien"-esque map, but I've never been that good at vents so I had to find a way to get the zombies into the action, without the humans being able to kill them. (Hence the Bio-containment shields) There's no radar, no names nor waypoints. To add to the feel of the map. The humans have a few loadouts to choose from each with strengths and weaknesses. Zombies are black and fast, and armed with a sword. But they have a radar. The map's rather small, with tactical points to hide etc. survive for as long as you can. So, the pics: The New Airlock, the humans will spawn here. There is a soft kill boundary around the airlock, so you've got 10 seconds to get out before you suffocate. Shield door is one way so the rest of the station doesn't de-pressurise. Get out, or die. ((Old Airlock had doors that spawned at start, Version 1.1 fixed this)) The corridor right outside the airlock. Difficult to see due to the FX, but on the floor is a magnum and 2 frags, on the wall next to the camera is a health pack and on the wall down the left corridor is an AR. To the right is the broken door section + Grenade launcher. View from the broken door section, on the right is a Bio-hazard door to prevent pesty human campers and the grenade launcher is behind the camera. In front is the main hall. The main hall. There's 3 Bio-hazard doors surrounding this defencive bottleneck, one is above your head. A shotgun is located by the door straight ahead, and some form of lazer device is next to the one on the left. Oh, and there's a machine gun just around the right corner. The Comms Room door, where Anderson met his end. A DMR is located behind the sandbags at the end of the corridor, a sniper, healthpack, 2 frags and 2 bio-hazard doors lie between the main hall and the comms room. Run or Shoot??? -BOTH! You've got to look up and well as forward... and behind... and beside you... Run. Just run. Feedback would be nice, and any bugs or problems you happen to find. Or general suggestions, they're good too. Thanks! Known bugs/Problems Humans can pick up Zombie's swords (It's a choice - use an honour rule, or make it no pickup, but with no pickup you can't get the weapons on the map) Airlock doors spawn closed (Doors replaced with one-way shield in Version 1.1) Safe Haven doesn't make you invincible (Not a bug, the safe havens are meant to simulate your morale going up - More damage, faster, and feel's like you have a shield around you. But, as time wears on your morale sinks again and you return to your normal self)
The airlock does not work at the start. Everybody ends up dying with no way out. Could you fix this because this map looks cool.
Like itz grub said humans cant leave the spawn room...i went into forge to look at the rest of the map and it looked cool reminded me of something out of alien. But the fact that you didn't notice you can't escape the spawn room tells me you probably didn't play test this map with friends and no matter how cool your map is if your game type isn't up to par with the map it won't do nearly as good as it would have or should have. If you want you can send me a friend request to jakey babs, I have a group of friends that love custom games and we could help test this out for you. But for now I would fix the air lock chamber maybe add some more cover to the halls or another room somewhere (you have over 4,000 left on the budget so I'm sure you could add something) Other than that good job on the map and for achieving the feeling and look of a dark ship almost perfectly
I play tested, but while making a similar map (Except slanted - Like a dead space feel) I made the Airlock door spawn. So I made the airlock after I play tested this map, but anyways - I've remade the airlock using a one way shield - it isn't as hectic nor impressive but it works. The corridors are all made of Tunnel long pieces set to 90 degree rotation, and I've run out of items I can use in that category... so making the ship bigger will be difficult. I don't like using items like blocks to make hallways, they don't feel right, too clean, too perfect, but the tunnel pieces are very good. Thanks for the comments.
very creative map, with lots of great effects really like what you did to create the dark and ominous atmosphere
played this yesterday, me and my friends had a blast. definitely a huge alien vibe to it. makes it a lot of fun. One thing though, Is there a way for the zombies to be able to move between their different spawns behind the one way shields? i couldn't find one, and only spawned on the overhead air vent once. Is there like a tunnel system to let you get the drop on plays as you stalk them? If not I think it would be a great addition for an update version, or at least a good idea for a sequel map.
When I saw this, I immediately thought of Dead Space(which happens to be my all time favorite fps ;]). I love the idea of the airlock. Very original. Great job bud 5/5
A quick heads up: I'm working on a map with a similar feel to this, set in the same era... However, the next one will have no gravity, so there'll be floating objects, you'll be slower and you'll have less gravity. The map is also going to be tilted, so a very "Dead Space" feel will be present. It's taking time, I don't want it to be too "Samey" to this one, but the corridors will be making a return... I do like these corridors... Thanks everyone!