Partisan VII

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Jwguy, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Did you guys order a multiplayer, non-campaign space battle map?

    ...Well, too bad, we're fresh out. We may have something you'd like to try, though, and it's somewhat similar. Perhaps you'll develop a liking for it.

    Link: : Reach : Player File Sets

    Introducing the latest of their series, the Partisan VI, and it's successor, the Partisan VII facing the challengers, a massive collection of angry local inhabitants in a collection of Banshees and Falcons, trying to tell the ship and all of it's crew to get the hell out of their airspace.

    Both ships have the same basic frame, with the MK VII shown in all pictures below, for example:


    The Airspace between the ship and the local hangar is often filled with strife and conflict, with the few vehicles available to the crew of the Partisan, as well as anti-air fire from the Mac Cannon, Gauss Turrets, and Flak Turrets:


    The story behind the map is similar to the rest of the Partisan Series, MK I-V back on Halo 3, and now VI and VII on Reach: The Partisan, an experimental starship alongside it's smaller cousin, the Ironclad, is deployed by the UNSC, only to find itself in dire straits after a particular battle in the void of space. Retreating to a nearby planet, and awaiting escort to secure it's safety, the ship comes under threat by a local base of rebels and/or enemies. The opposing forces attempt to attack the ship and eventually end up planting a bomb inside it's belly, destroying the Partisan, unless the crew can defend it!

    The features of the Partisan are as follows:

    *Miniature MAC Cannon:

    Scorpion technologies incorporated into starship design have allowed the Partisan to be tested with a beta model of a miniature MAC cannon. The Cannon is the primary defense of the ship, in terms of destructive power, able to blast apart any approaching fighters or bombers with ease. It's accuracy under pressure is it's main flaw, as a swarm of incoming banshees or falcons can easily cause the gunner's accuracy to fail at a distance.

    *Secondary Defenses:
    The Partisan is also equipped with four Shade Turrets, gathered and reverse-engineered from Covenant technology scrapped and retrieved from the field. These serve as anti-air batteries that while weak individually, can make the skies around the Partisan hostile for any incoming units. Banshees can make short work of any would-be solo turrets, however.

    Worth noting, the upgraded Partisan VII also includes to modified Gauss turrets that can also be turned upon any inbound vehicles. When all these defenses are engaged, the Partisan is indeed a formidable ship.

    Shade Turrets are located both through the Armory and Cargo Bay, as well as from the Captain's nest, on the Bow and Rear of the Ship. Gauss Turrets are adjacent to the Captain's Nest.

    *Multiple Rooms and Layers:
    The Partisan Series certainly isn't a one-room fighter. It's got quite a bit of leg-room for such a small and lightly manned ship.

    -The Bridge:

    One of the main compartments, the Bridge is just above the Main Terminal, and below the Captain's nest, in the bulk of the ship. It exits to both of those areas, as well.

    -The Main Terminal:

    The is the section of the ship you'll likely see the most of. It's a prime target to be bombed, but it also has a lot of movement through it, connecting the Hangar, Bridge, Cargo Bay/Armory, and a One-way doorway from the Deck for invaders to exploit!

    The Partisan VII has more cover and crenelation in the Terminal, to allow the crew to brace for impact under certain circumstances, though it also provides cover!

    -The Cargo Bay and Armory:

    This area is also subject for bomb planting, so it's important to check on it, on occasion. It features an armory, stocked with a decent, but limited selection of weapons that do not respawn. (The exceptions being the DMR and Magnum) It also exits to the Main Terminal, and through special ramps and lifts near the armory, to the deck of the ship, near turrets.

    The Partisan VII has two new additions, those being the crates seen above, having been shipping materials, and a new loading ramp behind a one-way shield door (Shown below). Offensive forces can board this ramp with a bit of ingenuity, and maybe a jetpack!


    -The Hangar:

    The Hangar is comprised of two parts, both part of a thin partition deviating from the main ship. The first is the actual hangar, separated from the Main Terminal by a shield door, to restrict oxygen in a vacuum, such as space. It contains two Banshees and a Falcon to be utilized for defensive purposes, or simply to harass the encroaching enemy. The Falcon is the less readily maneuverable of the two, when in terms of getting outside, (Due to Camera issues) but can be flown out with use of the Altitude Lock tool.

    The second part is the area that contains the Mac Cannon, allowing easy boarding for Crew Members.

    The Other portion of the map, far, far away, but a distance easily cleared, is the Hangar for the local forces, which is easily reachable and contains a plethora of angry locals ready to blast crew members out of the sky.


    In any case, I realise this won't completely turn over anyone's expectations for a space map, but hopefully, it will help! If you like the map, feel free to utilize it in any way seen fit, and please, comments, critiques, and favoritings are always a pleasure~

    One last picture to sum it all up:


    Happy Bombing!
  2. Tabris

    Tabris Forerunner

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    Hey, I played this one with you in the match with R005ter. Awesome map, thanks for the link and game.

    It plays really well, and I fell you really hit the nail on the head with the bombing run and all. I particularly liked how well you fitted the tank into the ship and the armory below, but i really only had two concerns:

    1 the armory's weapons didn't include a spartan laser, and the rockets only seemed to have one clip in them, and they didn't respawn!!! The Gauss Warthogs and Turrets helped, but I woul much rather have used a laser on those guys.

    2 there should be an easier way of getting aboard the ship and planting the bomb imho. the blue team managed to get in there pretty fast, but i don't know how they did it. everytime we went in, we were blasted pretty easy.

    Still, great map, and i hope we get to play again! It was pretty great. I'll pass it around to all my friends and any people I meet in custom gams
  3. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh yeah, I remember.

    Well, to answer your concerns, the reason there is no spartan laser on the Partisan VI or VII is because I felt that with the tank, gauss turrets, and shade turrets, the defense would only be even harder to bypass with the offensive team. The Spartan Laser is another weapon that has an unbelievably long range and high firepower. Using it on this map, when the ship is already so powerful on it's own, would make it rather unbalanced, even further than it's normal skewed allowance in the defense's favor.

    The Second one is already answered, I believe. I was on your team, and I watched our side arm the bomb four times, only two of which succeeded in blowing up. There's multiple ways into the Partisan, through the Hangar, the Loading Ramp, or the Engine Door, or even the Captain's Nest. What matters is going in prepared. The Crew isn't just going to let you blow up their ship! Take a few allies with you, for backup!
  4. Tabris

    Tabris Forerunner

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    true I guess, but i still wish it was like that! I love my laser!

    Anyways, great map and game. Maybe we;ll see it around some more and then everyone can tell you the same thing!

    MR SCHULTZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice.
    Big fan of air assault scenarios on battleships.
    Thanks for the map.
  6. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you. ^^ I'm happy to hear that you liked it. Here's hoping you enjoy all your future games on the Partisan.
  7. KurttyMilk

    KurttyMilk Forerunner

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    Are you bringing this to the next LAN party, JW? I tried it it. Pretty sweet stuff
  8. Jwguy

    Jwguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will, but do you have anything you'd like to add? Any criticisms or anything?
  9. southerndawg777

    southerndawg777 Forerunner

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    Downloading, Looks like a great map! Only need more people to play it with

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