I want to be a video game designer, but I need help on what I need to be one. I have ideas for a game series I plan to make and I have drew with the best of my ability the characters, I even made a general storyline for the game. It's only going to have one sequel and have a spin-off game about one of the characters in an alternate storyline. Right now I am trying to go to college to major in art and something with computers. My friend has a Unreal Development Kit and he is learning how to use it. However I was wondering how I would go about programming a video game engine? Is there any aspiring video game designers or anyone who is learning about becoming one? I would like to meet some developers and maybe collaborate on a game one day.
Don`t go off programming your own right now. It`s best to work with something like the Unreal Development Kit or mod existing Source games. Not many big name companies make their own engines, instead licensing others', like the Unreal Engine.
Or you could use java and go like Minecraft did. But if not there there are alot of different engines nowaday. Unreal just happens to be the most used.
Take a games design course or take a computer science course. I'm learning programming atm. I could have taken games design, but it's best to have a mix of courses to get into college/uni.
Oh, my. If you wanna make a game, you're going to need a lot of help. It takes a bit more than a concept to get a game going, and programming is a pain. What I would suggest is you begin small. Start by making maps (not Forge maps, mind you, actual maps in PC games). This'll help you grow your design legs and possibly even teach you a fair bit about coding. Offhand, I can think of 3 engines where you should start: Unreal Source Or, if you want something more old-school: Blam! (Halo 1 PC) I'm personally experienced with the Blam! engine (see my introduction thread for a few examples of maps I've designed and coded), so if you need any help with that particular engine, I'm your guy. Perhaps I'm a bit biased since that's what I learned on, but I find coding for H1 easier than Unreal coding (too heavy on the technical side) or Source coding (I hate the Hammer editor they force you to use). After you've dumped some time in effort into realizing some of your PC maps ingame, then I would pick up the challenge of beginning your own game. When it becomes time for THAT, I would recommend the Unreal engine as a base. Your first priority is getting something playable, so try at first to use as many existing assets as you can, slowly phasing them out with your own after your game works. It'll take lots of time, especially when you don't have many people. I wish you the best of luck. You'll need it.
I was thinking of using the UDK to make a remake of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time with better textures and character models. You know just to get the feel of programming and textures obviously I wouldn't make it available for download due to copyright laws. Or who knows if it's a really good remake I could talk to Nintendo about working with them. I was actually curious if anyone wanted to work on remaking the game with better graphics. Of course I need a better computer before I work on it. Anyways I do plan on taking a programming class to learn about C# which if I believe is the most popular coding. I am curious what other classes should I take to help me in my future career? I want to take art because I can not draw a realistic person. They always end up as anime style or just cartoony.
If you are remaking something for free, you don't need to worry about copyright laws. Those are primarily there to prevent people from stealing things and selling them for a profit. As far as remakes go, you're in the clear if it's free. Doubly so if you're not using many of the textures or models from the original game. Don't bother with art class; the things they teach you don't help you at all within the limits of video games (unless you want to become a concept artist). Take 3D Design (if they have it, which most schools do). It'll teach you the basics of modeling, how to work in three axis, etc. Modeling is similar to Forge 2.0, yet also very different. You aren't bound by the constraints of a budget or by the shapes of the different pieces of scenery, only by the limits of your imagination (and keeping a sealed environment, which is a pain). You can make anything, at any size, you choose. And it's nothing like drawing. I can't draw, yet I can model a to-scale Russian SU-47 "Berkut": (Yes, I have VERY poor polygon optimization. That's an old render from about a year ago, and I was rushed to push the jet out the door.) If anything, modeling is like playing with clay. There are different techniques you can use, from beginning with boxes and shaping these boxes as you go along (Bungie prefers this style) to "Boolean Modeling", which takes two intersecting boxes and subtracts one from the other and produces a shape, to the style I prefer, "Plane Modeling", where you begin with a flat, 2-dimensional plane and manipulate it into a 3-dimensional object. Box Modeling is quick for blocking things out, but adding detail is time-consuming and typically causes a bit more polygons than you need (the more polygons, the harder an engine has to work and the more your framerate drops). This effect is typically negligible, but it can build up quite quickly and result in the massive framerate drops you can observe on a Forgeworld map with no budget remaining. Boolean operations are faster than box modeling, but detailing is worse and you have a MASSIVE amount of polygon build-up. Seeing people work with boolean operations is rare. Plane modeling takes FOREVER to even begin to look at the layout of an object. It's extremely time-consuming, as each individual polygon has to be manipulated by hand (as opposed to box and boolean, which can adjust hundreds of polygons at a time). As you can pick and choose what polygons to model, you can get a bunch of detail with less polygons, therefore allowing your game to run faster. However, when under real-world pressures (such as release dates), the slow, time-consuming plane modeling just isn't realistic.
Sorry, but I don't know what 'doubly' means can you rephrase this sentence. "Doubly so if you're not using many of the textures or models from the original game." I need to know the legality of remaking the game before I even attempt it. Would it be possible to release it for free? I don't want to get sued or anything for doing something illegal. Plus it would look bad if I ever tried to join a game company. Also I was thinking if I do get good enough to completely remake the game with a different engine and effects like fire. I was going to make a game like Borderlands except it would be more RPGish and it wouldn't have guns. The game would be in a fantasy world however I want to make it different from Borderlands. The problem with doing that would be making the AI weapon generator. Each class will have three types of the same weapon for example short sword, long sword, and claymore. Another thing I need know when I make this game is how would I go about making it an official Xbox 360 game to be sold at retailers? How would I add achievements to the game too? I need some clarification on this subject, why is it that some games have 1250G for a game and some games like Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 have 1750G? My friend told me that we would have to be signed to Microsoft. That still doesn't explain how Borderlands has 1750G because the game is on PS3 and Xbox 360. What are the rules for Xbox 360 games and DLC? Because this is what I learned so far. I forgot the rules on arcade games. :: Maximum amount of achievements in a retail game is 1000GS :: Maximum amount of DLC points is 750GS. :: Maximum amount of achievements is 50 for a retail game (GH3 is somehow an exception)
Don't worry about getting a game onto Xbox. That would take a real studio and a license with Microsoft, publishing companies, and so on. Basically, if you do really well you may be able to get your game popular and then eventually get in contact with Microsoft. You can design for Xbox with XNA, but I think that only does arcade games.
"Doubly" is an adverb form of the word "Double". He moved doubly quick (meaning he moved twice as fast), The excitement of being promoted to Major was doubly true for Bob (meaning the excitement was twice as true for Bob as it was for everyone else), etc. Also, trying to get onto the Xbox platform is pushing it. If you want to even come CLOSE to having a game come to Xbox, you would need to go through the Xbox Live Arcade first. In order to even get Microsoft to CONSIDER your game for arcade, you must have had a successful history of fun (and popular) flash games on the internet. The only other way to really get onto Xbox is to form a company with a group of people (I believe Bungie began with 7 people) and code a game from the ground up. A loose collection of internet modders isn't good enough to make it onto Xbox, you have to have a legitimate company, which means you must either code your own engine or lease the Unreal engine (I believe they take a cut of 25% of all profits, which isn't bad at all compared to the other games out there). Make your game for the computer at first and begin taking every step you can to find a publisher (Valve found the guys who made Portal at a College Expo). This will take years (it took Bungie a decade) before you find a good publisher, not to mention those are years your company will be operating at a loss. It is EXTREMELY hard to form your own gaming company, although not impossible. It's an unrealistic goal. Also, under "Fair Use", you can use any assets from any game and remake it as long as it's not for profit. If it's a total fan creation, you can take assets from any game, remake any game, etc. But remember, it's only for PC. A remake can never be sold for profit, nor can it be ported to consoles. What you're talking about is going to be a MASSIVE undertaking; one that you're more than likely not going to succeed in. I'll stick by my advice before: keep it small. If you want to develop a Borderlands-esque RPG, begin by modding existing games. Prove yourself to a big gaming company. If they see you hold potential, they'll snap you up. If not, they'll feed you to the fishies. If you're willing to give up the idea of your own IP, try applying for a gaming company. Bungie's hiring (check out their front page). So is Activision, and Infinity Ward. Gearbox (guys who ported Halo 1 to the PC and also made Borderlands) is too. 343 Industries is hiring. They'll hire you if you show promise. But remember you won't have much of a say as far as your own IP goes. Still, the hardest part is breaking into the industry. If you can net yourself a job, it can be a potential springboard for a jump to your own company. But don't stress over it now. It's not going to happen. Trust me.
What if I want to develop my own company and show off a couple games to Microsoft? I know I will have to make other games first but eventually I will run out of ideas or the characters will all seem to be like each other. Which is why I want to make at least my Borderlands-ish game. The thing is I want my games to be a work of art that tell great storys. Which obviously Borderlands lacks plus if I were to work with Gearbox on this they would probably screw it over. That's why I want a company formed with people who I know won't mess up the game. Currently we have three people including me who would be interested in forming a company. Also for my game that I want to take seriously which somewhat has a story as of right now, at least the basic outline. My friend and I were thinking about working with Square Enix, Bethesda, and Bioware. We want to have Square Enix to help us with the weapons, Bethesda with the gameplay and overall design, and last but not least Bioware for the story and characters. Of course this will never happen for obvious reasons. The thing is we want to make our own company because well at least me and my other friend, we want to make RPG and adventure games which is something the Xbox is highly lacking *Cough* First/Third Person Shooters *Cough*. I think our company could be successful since Fable seems to be a good selling adventure game. I currently have four game ideas in my head two of which I plan to be the most worked on. There is another game I thought of but haven't really worked on that I could release on the computer which could probably get us known. The thing is not much people I know really play computer games. Plus it seems it's more about console games than computer games. Also this day and age it would be hard to get money because of those damn piraters. Say if I did go with making a good looking computer game from scratch, how would I go about joining with Microsoft to port it to the Xbox 360? Would I have to make other games instead of one?