I was a little disapointed when I got a chance to try this map out. I looked really good from the pictures and everything, and it interlocked well so it looks great in game. The only problem is, it's to small to really play in. If there was a second floor or something, it'd be great. But, when I played it, most kills were from assasinations since it's so easy to just run up behind some one, or from grenades, which I felt there were way to many of for such a small map. I did like the death pit, the aesthetics, the weapons (except that their were to many grenades) and the design, although it needs to be expanded.
I agree with gravedigger. The map looks great, and has some cool ideas. However, it is way to small for anything but a 1v1, or a very tight 2v2. Prob. would have done very will in the 1v1 showdown.
I really like the interlocking. only the slightest imperfections...none noticable on the inside of the map. Game play is intense. Still cant resist the urge to "control" the reactor by jumping into centre square...would be nicer if there was a little space there to prevent death every time. Cheers for the recommendation
I used power point for the layout. I hear what you are saying about the size of it, and I think I will do a reworking of it using the central area as a basis but the rest gutted and replaced. And I mostly testeed it on SWAT and MOSH pit, so the grenade issues weren't picked up on so much.
You shouldn't listen to criticism about the size of it. bungies object limitations have made hundreds of maps smaller than they would be if the only limit was file size. You did a great job with very little and thats the reason i come to this forum. if anything you just need to emphasise a strong player limit. past that you made die as soon as spawn warning. i always thought intense action breeds better faster players and this map will do that.
What you have so far is good, just expand it, probably with a second floor and possibly a few other paths to continue onto on the bottom.
ooo OOOoOoOo pretty pictures, oh and looks like a good closequaters shootermap too. like the interlocking
you get an award for the interlocking, but the map is a little small to be practical for more then 1v1. Also this map reminds me just how much i hate the green of the foundry boxes... but you cant do anything about that haha
Yeah - so much green, but yeah it is a bit small I just never tested it for 1v1 as I hate that with every ounce of my being.
Thanks, I should have made clearer the player limitations: 2v2 max for truly competitive play, up to 5v5 if you are a: Playing casually b:Feeling lucky and c: Like carnage.
As much as I liked this map from the screenshots, I'm going to have to say that this wasn't a keeper. The interlocking was beautiful, as was the design, but in reality, it was way too small for any real challenging game. I love the way you make maps though; this one just wasn't my cup of tea.
I dont see how this would be great for SWAT, it seems like you just keep following round in circles shooting