Its always darkest before the dawn... Spartan Loadout Cam Elite Loadout Cam Did I get you guys interested? Good because Ill be running some more testing sessions in the future. Lookout for this thread incase you want to partake.
Looks tasty, have you got the whole map finished now then you're after testers? I probably won't be able to test it though considering our significant time difference :I
Yeah its finished. Just testing, tweaking, testing and posting! And as for the time differences its a bit annoying. Ill have show it you some other time. Also I want to get a film of this captured some time.
I would love to test the map. My gamertag is SPARTAN G086. I can't promise that I won't have too much homework or that my roommate won't be playing on the xbox, so there's still a chance that I won't be able to test. Either way, I will do what I can to make into the lobby.
I am loving the look of this map, but sadly I can't make any of the testing sessions. I will watch this map with keen interest, though.
Im in: Duckman620 will we be testing today/tonight. Or a later date. Im located on the east coast btw.
Hey Crypto, while I don't do playtests (real bad lag in customs but not matchmaking, strangely enough) i can take a look at it some time. You've added me already right? Crypocalypse?
Yeah that's right. I'll have to show you. The test went well I thought although it was a little hard to plant the bombs. Overall everyone enjoyed it. Just gotta go back and tweak some things and then I'd like to get another playtest in.
Ok, you can add me to the test list. I can't play today, but I can get on tomorrow. I could be a bit late, but I'll see how I go.
No more tests today. I'll post up time and dates when I need another test so watch this thread if you want to help.
Tell me if you want some testers, I don't have a mic but I don't think it'll hurt that much. I finally picked up Reach today, so it would be cool to get in on some customs. I'm in EST btw
I'll help playtest most of the time. I may not be able to test all the time though, due to school. My GT is : The Denzian. I have a mic, too. Edit I'm in the Central Time Zone.
Sounds cool. Count me in for testing. Gotta clear a spot on my friends list so msg me. What time/timezone. Also what filters did u use for night effect? MRX
I can play most nights after 8. Looks like an awesome map at least the load out cameras. Add me if you still need more testers.
I'll test if I'm on I hope I will! I should be on every day, unless I can't, in which case I can't, but in the event I can, I will GT: LRMAN0989