Description: An abandoned buoy. This buoy once helped steer boats at night, now it is only a reminder of outdated techniques. My first Forge Hub map. This map is small and meant for free for all. It relies greatly on the lifts and has two power weapons. I don't recommend playing with more than 6 people. I'm looking for any feed-back or things you think would make it better. Far away On the second level Overhead Fuelrod spawn Sword spawn
not sure but IMO i think the sword might be TOOOOOOOOO POWERFUL in such a small area...agreed that there shud be one power weapon to fight over and control...maybe rocks with a zero clip...and not spawn it at the beginning (2min spawn) try that out!
Right. Thanks for the feedback! Added after 13 minutes: Btw. You mentioned one power weapon which would you recommend keeping out of the two and should I replace the power weapon with an average weapon?
Me and a friend of mine love doing 1v1s. We tried various amounts, Buoy was by far the best by a longshot! thanks for giving me a map that I can play with my friend without having to look forever for him... he is a sneaky bastard.