This is my first post in the Graphics and Arts section, and hopefully not my last All of the drawings below are all from within the last few months of boredom in my classes and my spare time, and i'm happy with the outcome of each of them.
I love them all! I'd say that tree and eye ball one is my favorite, it's really psychedelic and creative. You're really talented, good job
banana is best. its the hardest probably to get looking realistic. the creases in the skin in particular. GJ, but most of your stuff is fantasy
I love love love the fourth one. The others have great composition (which is all you can really say for abstract concepts, aside from the banana) but that one is by far my favorite.
Wow, uhh the only one that doesn't creep me out is the banana. But the banana is really, really, really good though. Great job on all of these.