invasion guide

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by pab1o, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
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    I wasn't sure what sub-forum to put this in, so I thought casual was maybe the most suitable.

    This is a tutorial map of sorts, for the Invasion game type. Though it can be played with the standard Invasion game type, it's purpose is to present all of the elements that make an Invasion map in a (hopefully!) easy way that aids learning.

    I made this map while I was learning to make Invasion maps, I hope it illustrates well the concept of fireteams, phases, and spawn areas. The advantages of using this map for learning the components of an Invasion map are:

    • Spawn locations for phases and fireteams are illustrated and labelled.

    • The map is small (it is the indoor area on forgeworld) so that a forger can inspect all the elements quickly without having to travel around existing Bungie Invasion maps.

    • Every Invasion component is included, from fireteam spawn areas, to gated and phased objects.

    I tried my best to create labels in the map, but I'm sure you can appreciate this is a time consuming task limited by object counts when forging.



    A little on Fireteams

    The concept of a fireteam was one that I could find little information about, maybe from my lack of knowledge of other fps games, or maybe it is Bungie terminology. But basically a fireteam in the Invasion game type is a group of two players. As Invasion has six-man teams, there are three fireteams in a team. The two players in a fireteam use eachother to respawn during the game. Spawn locations can be set for each of the three fireteams on a team, and for each phase (of which there are three in Invasion, the three objective stages). This allows alot of flexibility when choosing spawn locations in the Invasion game type. I hope this map illustrates how to create spawn locations for different fire teams in different phases.

    I hope this map is of help, I enjoyed making it, and it helped me learn the components of an Invasion map so I can begin designing one. If you find any problems with it, in particular if I have set any of the attributes for spawn points incorrectly, or have any suggestions, I would love to hear from you.


    [edits] the map now has spartans attacking and elites defending according to default behaviour, fireteams now correctly labelled 0,1,2 (instead of 1,2,3), removed the blue shields that illuminated the words in the map (may lead to confusion for the red side of the map). Many thanks to firedrone8 for pointing out the errors.
    #1 pab1o, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    from what i know fireteams are based on the advance settings spawn sequence. from 0-3 are the blue or red team individual fireteams( depends on whetether the spawn is red or blue). each number represents one duo of the entire team. so 0 spawn sequence represents the two players on the top of the in game list and so on.

    and by the way, blue does not represent attackers, it represents the elites( im pretty sure, havent tested my map yet, but it says so on the invasion guide)
    #2 firedrone8, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  3. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    Is there a way to make certain structures spawn in the 2nd phase only (not in the 1st or the 3rd), or can I only make something spawn in the 2nd phase and stay though the 3rd phase, or vica verse? Please clarify, this consept could make or break an upcoming map of mine, thanks in advance!
    #3 Spartanchief34, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  4. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    If you make it INV_Weapon and set the spawn sequence to the phase it will show up. You can also makes something disappear by making it INV_Gate and setting the spawn sequence to the last phase it will be around. If you want to make something show up for only the 1st and 3rd phase, you'll have to build it twice, and make the first one "INV_Gate", spawn sequence 1. And the 2nd one "Inv_weapon" spawn sequence 3. There's no way (that I know of) to make something appear for only the 2nd phase.
  5. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
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    You are right about the labelling of fireteams firedrone, I think I got that wrong, they are 0,1 and 2, rather than 1,2 and 3, any value above 2 represents all fireteams so I will change that on the map, thanks. Regarding the attacking team, for some reason my Invasion game type was set so that elites attack, very odd, i've only played a few games of invasion on xbl (too many quitters for me) and this mistake went right over my head, thanks for that, will change the team colours accordingly for default behaviour. I've got a few glitches in game type settings, it's very odd, some game type settings are just blank and things like that, will have to investigate.

    Regarding making structures spawn in only the second phase, I don't know if this is possible, I am just learning about invasion myself (hence this map) so if you find a way please post here and let me know :) (I will think on it though).

  6. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    How do you set up spawn areas so you can cycle through the spawn points, like in the matchmaking invasion, also, is the option to chose where you spawn only in invasion and fire fight or can you set it up for any gametype. One more question, is there a limit the the amount of spawn locations (not spawn point) that you can use, if so how much, thanks

    grrrrr invasion set up is so frustrating, but worth it.
  7. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    regarding cycling through spawn locations on respawn, you can choose a spawn location depending on the phase you are in, and the fireteam you are on.

    So, say you are in phase 2, and you are on fireteam 1:

    A spawn area set to INV_RES_P2 and SPAWN SEQUENCE 1 will be a selectable spawn area for you (you can have multiple spawn areas with these settings so you can select between them on spawn, but I do not know what the limit is).

    Also, if there is a spawn area set to INV_RES_ZONE, then this spawn location will be an option too when you respawn (this type of respawn zone is available to all three fireteams in all three phases).

    Also, if there is a spawn area set to INV_RES_P2, and the SPAWN SEQUENCE is set to a value of 3 or greater, then this spawn area will also be a spawn option (this kind of respawn zone is available to all three fireteams, but only in phase 2).

    I don't know what the limit on spawn areas is, and if there is a limit when you are in game and selecting a spawn area, I would be very interested to know (I will investigate when I get a mo).

    I also do not know what game types support spawn area selection on respawn, it should be easy to investigate by making a simple map and editing for all game types.

  8. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    My question is can you play invasion with more than 12 players (16?). Can there be a fourth fireteam on each side even if it can only spawn at the communal (group) spawn points for each phase.
  9. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Though I haven't tested it, i'm pretty sure invasion is limited to a maximum of 12 players, I read somewhere that Bungie considered this the 'sweet spot', apologies though as I do not have the source at hand.

    I would like to kindly ask people to post general invasion-forge related questions in the Halo Reach forge forum, I am delighted that people are downloading this map and are posting in this thread, but you are sure to find far more experienced and knowledgeable people there, please remember that I am only just learning the mechanics of forging Invasion maps myself :)

  10. Arkolis

    Arkolis Forerunner

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    Very nice.
  11. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    wow of all the luck, i was looking through the forums for something that'd help me build an inavsion map. I was just expecting to download a couple of standard maps people had built and try to teach myself by examining them, but no!

    can't thank you enough. really. :)
    #11 D4ni3l G, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010

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