One of the main issues people are currently having with forge is getting gametype items set up properly. There are many different variables to take into account and naturally some people are finding it difficult to get right. I have a handy little tip which may help to take some of the burden away. I have created a default map which I load up for each new project I undertake. It is basically a canvas set up in the colloseum with all standard gametype items set up in a tidy row on the side. Technically you can load up a custom on the map and whatever gametype it is can be played out in the colloseum. I have done this so that from the start the game will play with no problems. When making a new map I save a copy from this canvas and then start work on the map. When it is complete all I have to do is move my objective items from the colloseum to where ever they need to be on the finished map. This not only saves time when im at the end of each map but it also takes away alot of the hassle of trying to place and test all the objectives everytime. I would offer this canvas out to people but it would result in my name being the author of other peoples maps. I would suggest spending 20 mins making the canvas yourself as it will save a lot of time for you in the future. I hope people find some help from this idea.
hey can you pm me the link i dont mind if your name is theire if i save as a new it puts my name i have done this already with the flat surface maps and it works thx
a few people have requested the link so i will upload to fileshare when im home later. Ill pm u when its done