Just a little teaser-ish image for a map I'm working on. It still has a lot of work so I don't want to fully reveal it but hopefully this image looks cool. I'll post updates and more revealing images as production goes on. The only thing I can say is that it's somewhat similar to Ascension in some respects and also a little like Guardian (though not too much). It's situated on the Pillar/Rock. When you move closer to the structure in the middle it emits a loud ominous sound. I found a cool way to do this and it adds a nice little atmospheric touch.
Same. The only sounds I can create would be with gav lifts shotting crates or something around inside a bx of sorts.
I think some object hum. Perhaps there are a lot of humming objects near the structure. *shrugs* I dunno.
I remember a strange humming sound I got in one structure I made. Took the entire thing apart and couldn't find what did it. Kill Balls and Gravlifts hum. But I don't think a Kill Ball could be shoved far enough into the ground. I think one-way shields might let off a slight whirring sound.
I'm glad people are curious. I'll record a video soon showing you, while trying not to reveal too much of the map (since it's not complete and no real aesthetics have been complete). Edit: Here's the video YouTube - Forge Map - 'Reclaimer' - The eerie rock shrine
That's awesome. It kinda gives it an eerie feel to match the darkness of the map. I'm really curious to see how this turns out now. Really nice job with the pictures as well, it's all looking really well put together so far!
What special fx are you using on the map, plain purple? Not too dark, not too light, perfect, reply plz