
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Splatx, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Splatx

    Splatx Forerunner

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    Hello this is my first post to forge hub and my first map submitted to a community. This map works the best with my game variant, Paintball Multi CTF. This map also works great with team slayer. Red and Blue team recommend Team SWAT. Please enjoy my map and feedback is much appreciated. I will be updating the map so please check in for new versions of Brantick along with new map variants as well. Thankyou =).

    Ugg... I just realized there is no thread screenshot for my map. If anyone can help me by explaining how I can post a picture there that would be great thanks.


    #1 Splatx, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Im going to be brutally honest here; you've placed a bunch of different objects randomly in between two bases which are each a single object. You're map has no focal point (a central structure or a sweet base) or aesthetic features of any kind. This sounds harsh. I know, but its all constructive criticism. If you can't take it thats your loss.

    Now onto what can be improved. When designing a map you want start with some sort of clever base design, a sweet central structure or some sort of focal point that will make your map stand out. This idea that you come up with will be what you're map is based around. Once you have this idea you can build onto it.
    For example, my maps always start with a single thing. Gyroscope began with the idea of giant, intertwined rings. Night Shift started with the idea of spawning humans on the high ground and elites down in a little outpost. A map called Final Stop from Halo 3 began with a train/train station.
    You see where I am getting at. A focal point will make your map stand out from the rest.

    I hope my (wise :p) words help you out. Oh and you have actually done something which most people don't: you've had an actual game on your map before you posted it. Bonus marks! :D
    Keep forging.
  3. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    I agree with this post. Consider structures that could possibly connect the two bases, such as walkways or tunnels. This will help to create a flow and connection between the bases. If you do not want direct connections between the structures then simply make the field of design less random and more organized in its design. Diversifying and adding to the bases can help greatly.

    Good luck in your future forging endeavors!
  4. Splatx

    Splatx Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot Crypto for the advise and thank you for trying my map =). I will definitely heed your advise in my next map.

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