Maintenance Hall Maintenance Hall I remade, well recreated I guess is more appropriate, another map from my Halo 3 forging collection. This one I actually put more thought into the setting of it as well. Welcome to the Maintenance Hall, the Forerunner facility responsible for the upkeep and functionality of the virtual realm known as "Forge World." As you may guess the story of this map is that of a monitor room that overkeeps a virtual world. This is represented by a Holodeck on the bottom floor that overlooks the Paradiso island(Pics below). It's a three story map built symmetrically for Red and Blue Teams, and supports FFA groups. Bird's Eye view of the middle section of the map. Blue Side Blue Base Red Side Red Base Holodeck Staircase that's in each base Bottom Floor of a base There are four one-way drop holes that connect the middle floor down to the bottom floor and house the main power weapons of the map causing any player who wants the weapon to have to drop down to the bottom floor to get it. The holes are made so you can only pick up the weapon from dropping down the hole and not from just walking around the bottom floor unless you have jetpack. The red team has the advantage in getting the sniper rilfe and shotgun while the blue team has the advantage in getting the rocket launcher and energy sword. I did this cause I felt that with the map overall layout the rockets had higher efficiency than the sniper so I gave what I felt the stronger of the two close range weapons, the shotgun, to the team with the sniper. Me and a friend of mine were also messing around with one-way shields the other day and discovered a cool trick to do with them. My friend coined it head tram and it works by simply jumping on the ceiling of the "head tram" space and riding along the ceiling to you designation. It's kinda hard to explain but is quite fun to use. Weapons: 10 Plasma Grenades on 15sec respawn. 2 Concussion Rifles with 1 spare clip on 55sec respawn. 2 Mounted Machineguns on 75sec respawn. 2 DMRs with 1 spare clip on 30sec respawn. 2 DMRs with 2 spare clips on 35sec respawn. 2 Plasma Pistols on 20sec respawn. 2 Magnums with 3 spare clips on 30sec respawn. 2 Assault Rifles with 3 spare clips on 30sec respawn. 2 Spikers with 2 spare clips on 30sec respawn. 2 Plasma Rifles on 30sec respawn. 2 Needlers with 2 spare clips on 30sec respawn. 2 Plasma Repeaters on 30sec respawn. 2 Needle Rifles with 2 spare clips on 35sec respawn. 2 Grenade Launchers with 3 spare clips on 55sec respawn. 1 Rocket Launcher with 1 spare clip on 120sec respawn. 1 Energy Sword on 100sec respawn. 1 Sniper Rifle with 2 spare clips on 120sec respawn. 1 Shotgun with 2 spare clips on 100sec respawn. 1 Plasma Launcher on 75sec respawn. Powerups: 2 Overshields on 115sec respawn. 1 Active Camo on 120sec respawn.
If he didn't have the grid, how would we see that kill ball thing (reactor?). I like it, it adds almost like a cyberspace feel to it.
Yea I originially had it with just coliseum walls as the floor but because of how redundant most of all the forge world maps look I decided to replace the floor with the grids to help change it up a bit. Which then led me to the kill ball decoration which I personally like. And because I had the grid on the bottom I was able to successfully come up with a suitable replacment for the bottom floor from my halo 3 version, in that version it was an asymmetrical maze. It really did nothing but slow down gameplay and frustrate the players but just a big empty space didn't fit well either. The thought came to me of how placing the strut pieces in a similar way that they were in hang'em high would still fulfil the breakage of space needed on the bottom floor while not confusing the players. A bonus is that it makes the bottom floor look like a computer room of sorts which generates the virtual world below.
The map has been altered and rebuilt to be completely symmetrical. Please feel free to try the new rework out.
Honestly, the kill ball "reactor" has been used by almost every first time forger. It really isn't that original or appealing. The grid floor just looks sloppy in a way. It's also seems you have use quite a few prefab pieces in the basic way they were meant to be used. This really doesn't separate your map from any other. Whe looking for a good map people want to see handmade buildings using more that one item. You've also used multiple glass pieces and also lights. Although this map has low piece density, others that use items like that suffer from framerate lag, which is a large negative factor. About map design, the layout isn't all to great. The top is obviously the main power position. I like that you tried to get players to go to the bottom by placing power weapons there, but that doesn't always solve the problem. For more elaboration, why would I waste time dropping down to get a sniper when I could just stay up top with a DMR? I'd rather get more kills with a standard weapon. Another thing that seems to plague the map is it's level separation. Maps are usually much better with horizontal separation, with vertical areas or atriums. This make vertical movement very easy. On here, there is massive vertical separation. The three floors are completely separate, with what looks like only a few ways to get up. I can honestly say that during gamplay, I would be hesitant to go to the bottom. What I and a lot of other forgers like to see is maps with middle ground, a 1.5 floor. Something in between where you can fight up to the upper areas, not just a stairway. And for the "head tram", sorry to say that that is nothing new. What mot people call it is a zipline, and it has been featured on a handfull of maps before. In basic terms, what all that is saying is that your map isn't that great. But it is a diagnosis of it's illnesses. Take these into consideration when forging for a better result. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow didn't even notice how old this was. Work on something new.