hey forgehub. obviously I'm new here so if you see anything wrong please tell me so i can fix it. Anyway I created this map a few days ago and was playing with my friends when someone shouted out "reccomend this to bungie, I'd love to see this in matchmaking." I asked him how I would do that and someone else pointed me here. So, story of how i got here aside lets move on to the map. Ancient construct is a map designed with arena/mlg style competitive 4v4 slayer. to which i added the other gametypes later. I'm working on a version that supports everything exept invasion gametypes but i wanted to see how it would do as is. to aid the competitveness (and to appease the people screaming for a good symmetrical map), the map is symmetrical down to the spawning and weapons. The only power weapons featured are the sniper (one ontop of each base) and the shotgun (one in either side building. anyway here are your pictures: overveiw of the map another overveiw red spawn just outside red base again please tell me if i did anything wrong in the post. later (yes i know the map i'snt on the forums. Can someone help me with that?) (G2 AVALIBLE HERE
the kill ball is actually there to mess up both snipers and jetpackers. just makes it harder so they have to have some real skill Added after 1: Anyone have anything to say on this map? Reviews? Anything?