Hey guys, I thought I'd be kind so I'm making free videos that can showcase peoples maps. I have an HD PVR (an HD capture card), and I have some free time so if you want me to make a video with your map, first make a comment with a link to download your map from bungie.net and I'll view it ASAP. What I'll do: -Upload the video to Youtube. -Credit the creator of the map. -Put a link to the map in the description of the video. If you have any other requests, feel free to leave a comment below.
Hey I wanted to do a couple of guide vids for halo reach switches and traps but dont have a cap card do You think you could help me out on this one my gamertag is pittydafuul
Yeah I can. Reply to me with the clips you want me to record. Also make sure that the video clips are in the perspective you want me to record it in.
hey i can use your services i have a capture card but its not the best but yaa one thing i would want you in the game would that be any problem pm with your response
Would you be willing to record a long infection game and then put it on mediafire for me to download an edit into a trailer because that would be really helpful.
hey can u record 1 of my maps in HD 4 me GT-Dig3st3dy0mama .....heres the maphttp://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=3828006&player=Dig3st3dy0mama
Hey can you please capture the video here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details and upload it to Mediafire or something for me? Thanks so much, Ive been trying to get this clip for ages! Oh, and I may also be asking for a couple more later, just to get the clip at different angles. Thanks again!
I'd ask if you could capture some clips (in the future) then send them to me so I could edit (cuz i like editing), but it seems you're gonna be a bit busy for the time being lol