How do you make a juggernaut game variant because I for the life of me have tried multiple times to make one. Every single time it starts me off with a hammer when I want the juggernaut to have a different weapon. I tried to make my same variant and the loadouts appeared but the rest was the default juggernaut settings.
Juggernauts have two settings. New Juggernaut Traits - which are the traits they'll have when they just become the new juggernaut. Juggernaut Traits - which are the traits they'll have when Safe Time has expired. Safe Time is set in the Juggernaut Options.
Safe time is the time before the person becomes a juggernaut. I double checked the settings and I started it up multiple times. I really hope Bungie fixes this annoyance.
any idea if Bungie are fixing this error? i want my juggernaut to have a shotgun... not a hammer! grrrrr. not being able to alter the jug's weapon kinda limits things.