Well I have decided on a death spawn after deep thought because after running through it rarely do people fall on accident. The next thing I need to do is force people to die when they go down there because people will not willingly go through a death teleporter. If only I didnt have this ridiculous ban.
Making people die would be tough, because it is too wide to put a bunch of teleporters. You would run out of money, but maybe gravlifts or mancannons will work. Either way, it will be pretty tough to do.
If I used grav lifts I would only have 2 a side on each side of the sides of each base. I then wouldn't be able to have enough teleports then. If I used mancannons they would shoot you out of the map so I would have to have something to block you back to the teleport in the middle but that would get in the way of the playing surface and not every spot on a mancannon shoots you so you could get around it. This will be interesting to figure out.
Yeah, I am sure your decision will be the best for the map. Its also a shame the pictures don't do the update version justice.
Well, I apologize because I got this stupid bungie ban for a ridiculous reason I can't update them right now.
i'm also making a dodgeball map but for up to 16 people=8 per team, the cool part is as the game progresses you move into smaller arenas and if the game lasts long enough a tiny arena full of cover. I was hoping to mix it up abit by adding more people and at the same time making it harder for those still alive
this seems very common although I like the idea of the sheild door so no one spawn sticks you...its just like my map Brideaphobia
I just played this and it was a great design, but with 2v2 the game progressed very slowly. The gap seperating the teams is so far that it was really hard to stick people.
Thanks for all the comments everyone. Funnyman, that sounds like a really neat idea it just seems that the game duration changes and so sometimes you would have 8 on 8 in a small area or 2 on 2 in the large area. ValorousBob, I recommend it with more people. I am in the process of making a smaller one but because of this stupid ban I can't update it. I realize this is not an original idea but the boxes, the boundaries that do not let you leave the map, and the middle make it so that you can't cheat and level out the playing surface. If an idea has been used a lot it means it is liked so by making a really good one with extra features it should be successful. There are twice as many map downloads as game variant downloads, you need the game variant posted in the OP or else these "features" are useless.
Good balance, you made it big but countered by sticking a lot of "dodgeballs" on there. Looks like it could get crazy. I don't like the shield door though, way too many camping spots. It's impossible to really make the game honor rule free (unless you get rid of the rule where you come back in for a "catch" or in this case a kill).
Have you played it yet, in some parts of your post it sounds like you have while others not? I have never had camping issues with the shield door, and even if it is an issue, camping isn't really honor rules. I tried to make it apply to all party sizes, but in the original post, I said feel free to mess with gameplay settings to fit your liking, which you could adjust to make rounds or set it for respawn on a kill. That would be cool but instead of a catch, if you get someone out a teammate can spawn. If only I didn't get the ban, I could raise the spectator box so you can't go back into it once you go through the teleporter or spawn. Camping doesn't seem to be that big a problem because its not like its ranked, and people just want to play dodgeball not win the game.
I've gotta try this out and see how other people are solving the crossover problem in dodgeball maps... I did it with portals (the Green Monster... you can find it in the casual forum) and it works pretty well except for grenade jumping. And I just gave up on the "catch" rule. I was trying to set it up so that kills let teammates spawn, but apparently that setting is broken. I'll let you know what I think of yours once I get back to the apartment.
I tried it out. I can't say that I like it quite as much as as the Green Monster, but that's mostly out of stubbornness. I don't like having the gravity up that high or dealing with the pit, but that might just be the best way to go about it. The view of the other court is nice and clear, though. Looks good, but I can't wait to see what you end up with after the blacklist.
Yeah, I really feel like a cleaned up version will be much better with a few new features (and possibly it redone completely with a way to incorporate normal gravity). I am just dying to see a version that plays like a normal game with no interference but still no cheating. The tradeoff is normal gravity with the nodes somewhat blocking your vision or high gravity but no interference. I edited my post in regards to your map in your thread. I feel like right now yours is better right now, even though I am biased. I made this map when I really first started forging and have since learned many new techniques and gotten much better. I was also new to bungie which resulted in my ban after I double-posted because I thought two posts with information was not "bumping".
Yeah, I'm lucky I didn't get Bungie blacklisted early on... I'm new to the whole forum shindig. I do have one more suggestion for your map, though (if you ever get to edit it). I hate having to keep track of the edge, so it might be worthwhile to put a small barrier (not necessarily short barriers) at the end of both sides of the court. I realize that that's a personal preference, and that it introduces barrier-ducking into the gameplay, but it'd make your map a bit more playable for me.
Thanks, I will take that into consideration of the next version. I have been banned until either March or April, and I had read about bumping but I felt no harm since I was posting information and not bump, I didn't know how to edit at the time, and I felt they wouldn't ban right away but they didn't hesitate on a 90 day ban. That idea would be great for a death spawn. I could put a lip so no one falls in on accident and if they try to jump it will fall into a teleporter for a suicide penalty. I am going to try to figure out a way to force people into a teleporter, which is the reason I didn't incorporate it originally since people will not willingly go in it and it is too long and wide to have teleporters all along it. I am also going to have the spectator box above higher because of the complaint above about camping and the map much cleaner with straighter walls and better grenade placement. I could also include bubble shields. If you know a way to force a death teleporter (not enough grav. lifts or mancannons), please share. I was thinking about fusion coils spawning above it but seemed it would affect the gameplay above. If people jumping though the teleporters on yours to get a better chance at a stick keeps coming up you could easily just place one row of teleporters with a death spawn.
I've seen them all. This ones way to common and overused now, but if you are going to make a dodgeball court, make sure its better than all the others. Thanks.
I don't really know what you are talking about. How is this "way to common and overused now," I have never seen a dodgeball court that has two levels. Also, since you are new, I made this pretty close to heroic map pack release and there was nothing remotely similar to it outside of the dodgeball premise. I still haven't seen anything close to it unless there was a flood of 2 level dodgeball maps. As for the "make sure its better than all the others," it takes out honor rules so you could say it is about as good as you can get. Not that it matters to me but it is pretty popular. If you don't want to play it, then so be it. There is no reason to come in here and trash my map with that know-it-all attitude just because there are other dodgeball maps that don't resemble it at all. I realize it is not a new concept, nor am I the best forger, but it is a pretty solid map for a popular mini game/casual game.