A satellite. And a crane. On Forge World. A friend and I were planning on creating a large space station, but we got distracted so I continued on my own and decided to make this. It's a satellite built on a 45° angle, with some small interior spaces and a pretty good looking exterior, if I do say so myself. Most people just make ships when it comes to space-related things, so I consider this a little original. Anyways, onto the pictures. Edit1:"Embedded" pics. Edit2:Accidentally put a Gametype Link, ignore it. Edit3: If someone could, add the overview as the picture you see while surfing the Aesthetic Maps forum. I don't see the ability to edit it. Edit4: Thanks for doing Edit3 for me, whoever! Edit5: Thanks to Grif2200 for telling me how to do Edit3 myself. Pics. Overview of the Satellite. The lower bits, with a bit of a confusing building/tunnel interior. The kill ball is supposed to be its core and/or gravitational center. It rotates/moves around this. Towards the actual satellite dish, there are these panels. They look cool and do nothing special. Imagination, use it! The "tip", the dish, antennae, etc. A quickly forged crane with no purpose. Yaaaay. That's about it. Thanks for viewing.
To put a thumbnail picture or "the picture you see while surfing the Aesthetic Maps forum", click "Edit" then click "Go Advanced". Then, scroll down until you get to "Thumbnail URL" and copy the image link in there. I suspect, you can also remove the gametype while you're there...