I was pretty disappointed when I found out I couldn't forge completely underwater. I was going to make a submarine but oh well. I also wish the water was clear when you were in it so you could see, and then cloudy when viewed from above.
Underwater = 0 Visibility. That doesn't seem like it would play well for maps. Not to mention any types of lag caused by such.
I think he meant, creating air filled spaces underwater. Me, I'm just disappointed that if you drop something into the water poof it's gone forever.
The waterfalls were the biggest let downs for me, but the depth of water that we can use seems pretty reasonable for making maps with.
yeah me too. im also sad that you cant go farhter out over water. would have been perfect blackout remake.
I think we've been given a decent amount of depth to work with, considering the depth of survivable water in previous Halo maps, but I'm all for getting more space to work with. As far as an underwater map goes, in terms of creating "air bubbles" and stuff, I doubt we'll see that. It seems a bit complex for the level editor we've been given with Forge and Forge 2.0. Not to mention, at that point, you would have to start figuring out light sources, which with the way Halo lights maps (based on Chan's description) would require making lightmaps, etc... In other worlds, not how the Halo editor works. It would be cool to make underwater stuff, though.
The water just seems shallow in comparison to the rest of forgeworld. I have seen many maps make effective use of it.
If you use green fx it looks a bit like murky water, but i doubt that is any good except in some very narrow cases.
You can go deeper under water between the 2 sand crossings leading to the island. The water goes well over your head so you can make a map there.
I had a small underwater section in a map I made which was fun, but it was basically just a couple rooms with clear entry and exit points. I started working on a map where half of (the entire middle, basically) would be submerged, and quickly got annoyed with both the forging and the extremely low visibility. Underwater seems more like a cool gimmick to use a little bit rather than something players would want all the time they're on a map, at least to me.