OK so I'm making a map and it randomly doesn't let me place things took a while to figure out and every time i deleted a object i could place an other object. I've got plenty of money and the object limits are not close to been completed the ones they show like 10/40 walls etc. So there's a "budget limit" a "object type limit" and a "global item limit" I'm not sure if that's true whenever i heard people talking about object limit I assumed the "object type limit" they where talking about, so is there 3 limits? is there any way to get around any of them? because I suddenly feel very claustrophobic in forge world.
I have not heard of the global object limit... and you probably wouldn't reach it unless you were using a budget glitched map anyway and put every single item of every single type on there.
It's not a "budget glitched" map, But where would i find one of those because I think i might need it
Supposedly the new OLN is so giant that using all free objects and as many low cost pieces as possible will not hit it. I have had serious problems with lag when forging with friends; when I try to create an object it will actually spawn sometimes have to select it as many as 6 times before it actually spawns.
I'm doing it locally so its not lagg but maybe your hitting the limit and just takes 6 try's before someone deletes something to place a new item?
The global object limit is supposedly bigger, but that doesn't mean it's HUGE. Just bigger than Halo 3. So it's still possible to hit the limit, but it takes longer (unless you spam items ). @Noobforgerontheloose: I think I heard Halo 3's budget glitch is still possible, but it creates MAJOR lag.
I didn't even know how to do the old budget glitch (wasn't much of a forger back then) so i wouldn't be the one to come to for him xD
I know how to do that one, but is the OLN effected by the object like: one small block=one 3 story building? or is it more like buildings = to 5 small blocks to the OLN?
I'd assume one item equals one item, regardless of what size. It sucks, but it makes the most sense. Unless they're going by polygon limits... But I don't know if they do that. Probably not.