Pretty simple concept, an enclosed "pond" full of pillars that you must hop around on, trying to knock the other frogs into the water. You're given jetpacks, golf clubs, and fuel rod guns. Assassinations are enabled. 1 point for causing a frog to fall to his death, 1 bonus point if it was the gold frog (the leader). Respawning frogs are camo'd for 3 seconds to prevent spawnkilling. Jetpacks are NOT unlimited. I think maybe Recon is the best button layout for this minigame...
Looks fun, downloading. The concept has been done before in halo 3 I think, but a lot differently then so this is still original. I would suggest more decoration as the room looks rather bland. The kill ball sun in the distance, the ceiling, and the roof all are good decorations but some more would help. The decorations however don't subtract from game play however. Good job on the map.