I have an annoying problem...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Noobforgerontheloose, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Noobforgerontheloose

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    Ok, so i am trying to make this ship in the sky that fires kill balls after 30 seconds over a competitive map. Only problem is, that when i forge the grav lifts (mechanism) the kill ball flies away. The problem is that it STAYS in the area it flew to in custom games. In other words, instead of spawning in the barrel of the ship, it spawns in the ocean where the grav lifts threw it in forge. This is an irratating bug because it completely undermines the function of the ship.
  2. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    If you save the killballs in midair in front of the gravlift (on normal editing, not phased or fixed) then the killball should work how it is suppose to. Try it out and see if it works.
  3. Noobforgerontheloose

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    Sounds like it would work if i was shooting one killball, but i can't hold two at once (which is how many i'm shooting. ) Should i just downsize and only shoot one killball from a central barrel? (Spelling for barrel?)
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cant you just place the killballs in fixed, than press x and change it to normal and it will spawn in its normal place?
  5. Noobforgerontheloose

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    That sounds like a good idea wooden, i'll try it, thanks for both of the answers.

    Added after 54 minutes:

    Ok wooden, your idea worked. Problem is, the grav lift doesnt effect it until you shoot the kill ball! In other words, i have a loaded cannon that doesnt fire o.o
    #5 Noobforgerontheloose, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  6. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Maybe place a fusion coil that spawns inside/close to it so it explodes and moves it?
  7. Ronald w 4

    Ronald w 4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like your thinking ^^^
  8. GodCent

    GodCent Forerunner

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    I wouldn't change a thing on your map just yet. I dont think you're doing the fixed to normal transition correctly.

    First you should place the ball directly onto the grav lift in fixed physics. Place it by deselecting it. than hover the curser back over the ball without picking it up and change the physics to normal. Shoot the ball and it should fly off. When the ball respawns it should just continue the cycle of spawning than flying away with out the need to shoot it. I just tested this myself it does work. Hope this helps.
  9. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
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    The only thing is, you still need to shoot it once in custom games.
  10. Noobforgerontheloose

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    Everyone, thanks for the answers. I found my answer though, i can make the ball miraculously fire in custom games by making it spawn after five seconds and not spawn at start. This also helps my old problem, because the kill balls still stay still in forge :). Also, GodCent, that is EXACTLY what i was doing. (Well actually i was using phased, but i don't see much of a difference. ) Oh and finally, do you think each barrel should shoot one kill ball or two everybody? The RoF would be faster, i wouldn't fire a whole kill ball train at the same time. For example, i'd fire the second one after ten seconds to shorten the gap between firing and respawn. Although actually, i would probably find the respawn time for the killballs and make the second set spawn at the halfway point.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could do that by setting different spawn rates (ball A spawns after 5 seconds, ball B spawns after 8 or something). Only problem forseeably is that there'd be an erratic gap between firing (5 seconds A, 3 second later B, 2 seconds A, 1 second B) which might not be to your liking.

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