Download Rise Here It's gonna be an up hill battle Description *edit made it harder to leave the level and adjusted the spawn times for the powerups.* Rise is a symmetrical map featuring large angled ramps. The ramps change the balance of the level and add a bit of confusion. All of the ramps have an upper and lower area, each with its own type of weapon. The rocket spawns in the middle of the level and makes for awesome carnage at the beginning of any game. Rise is set up for slayer, king of the hill, and oddball and the team versions of those games. The map is fairly small and to increase the drama play with no radar. There are breakable walls and other obstacles to avoid along the way. There are teleporters below each level that is similar to Beaver Creek. If you try to leave the playing area on the sword side you will be sent to the penalty box. There is no escape from the penalty box except death. The main ramp is at such an angle that bubble shields and the like will not stay in place. There is a cool display of vehicles on the back wall. The only overshield and active camo that you can get are the ones on the barriers. This is an exciting map that plays fast and furious so keep you head on a swivel and don't get caught at the bottom with nothing but your looks because your sure to die. Weapons/Equipment 4 BR @30 2 Carbines @ 30 4 SMG @30 4 Mauler @30 2 Plasma Pistols @30 1 Rocket @150 1 sword @90 1 Sniper @90 1 Shotgun @120 6 Plasma grenade @10 4 Fire bomb @30 4 Frag grenade @10 2 Power Drain @60 2 Bubble Shield @60 1 Overshield @120 1 Active Camo @120 Panorama of the large ramp, the shotgun is at the top along with the carbines. Sword wall, to get the sword there is a grav lift system in the back. There's also access to both bases from this side. The vehicle wall just for show, but doesn't it look cool. Under the main ramp this is where the sniper is Under the Blue Base red looks the same, teleporter in the back.
this looks like a preety well done map from what i can see it looks original and interesting, a few more pics would give a better overview of the map maybe even a few in game shots. also i can't see anything at the top of the bridges? mind explaining whats up there if anything, also would the death box make the game a bit laggy? but over all good layout and very original
Your map looks good overall. I do see a small item that may need adjusting. I know the warthogs are just there for show, but players can still enter them through the fence wall. And since you have a warthog and overshields around them, that could cause a problem. Even if you have the vehicles moved far enough away from the players, they still can be moved by a brute shot or a spartan laser....I was attempting the same thing with another map of my own.
There isn't much at the top of the side bases only because they are the main spawn area and I don't really want people just sitting up there so I put all the weapons around the periphery to get the game in motion. At the top of the big ramp though there is a shotgun and two carbines on either side but it can be hard and confusing to get up there. For the "death box" the cores aren't continually exploding and if you notice some one up there you will get the kill but if know body sees you go up there the only choice is suicide. I did notice that you could get into the trucks through the wall so I moved them away and I don't have a laser or brute shot to move them and if you want to go in there good for you but you won't do to much good they really don't see a lot. The second round of testing will happen this weekend hopefully if there are any changes I will post them here post haste. Thanks for all the comments keep em coming. :squirrel_rocking:
It took a while to get the changes made but vehicles have been tested and retested and they don't move. There really isn't a problem there. Any other minor issues have been fixed thanks.