Gladiator Koth

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sergant Gheradd, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Sergant Gheradd

    Sergant Gheradd Forerunner

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    Ok, I decided to make a new type of king of the hill and a map variant to go with it. In the variant of Koth, you are invulnerable unless you are in the hill. The hill is an a circular room that you cant't leave because of one-way sheilds. If you play with 4 or more people,(Max is 8) then everyone is bound only to get atleast 30 secs in the hill so the points to win are set to 25 secs in hill. The map is self is only 2 by 2 coliseum walls in length and width. there are 4 towers that spawn 2 people each. Then there are 4 tunnels leading into the hill arena. Every player has unlimited ammo and they all have energy sowrds. this isnt a problem until you get in the hill... lol. Usually there isn't a winner (Just someone with more secs then the other players. I played this with 8 people and its really fun, so please help me get this recognized by bungie! Please enjoy this map and game variant. Comments Below Poll:

    If you liked this map and gametype Say:

    If you hated this map and gametype Say:


    Over View of Map (Remember, this map isn't for looks)


    Crown, Ironically on a King of the Hill Map


    Spawning Towers


    Arena holding the Hill


    please enjoy this map and gametype
    #1 Sergant Gheradd, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  2. xJayx

    xJayx Ancient

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    sorry bro, but you wont get much attention from bungie... or anyone if there arent pictures. ill download anyway tho, for the sake of other ppls laziness
  3. Sergant Gheradd

    Sergant Gheradd Forerunner

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    Ok i got my screens to come up on so here you go they are now up and looking good. just plz give the map AND gametype a rating. if you really liked the gametype and hated the map, i'll remake the map but keep the gametype.

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