Remake Acrophobia

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by BobGS, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. BobGS

    BobGS Forerunner

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    Well, it took me all of last weekend (and some of Monday and Tuesday), but I've finally completed my interpretation of Halo: PC's Gephyrophobia.






    Noticeable Changes from the Original:

    -The Ghosts on the bottom bridge have been replaced by two Mongooses
    -The flamethrowers has been replaced by grenade launchers
    -A Revenant has been added to the upper level
    -Due to budget constraints, not all of the Vehicles could make it. Needless to say, there are still plenty of vehicles
    -Not all of the spawns/objective points are the same as they were in Halo: CE. Players can feel free to change these if they would like
    -Some of the cover had to be cut due to budget constraints -- I may try to optimize the map in the future based on feedback
    -The walkways on the right and left side of the map are slightly shorter
    -The Overshield in the middle of the tower has been removed due to budget constraints

    Changes to Acrophobia v1.2
    -The side entrances at Blue Base has been made inaccessible to Revenats (similar to Red Base) and more difficult for vehicles to both enter and exit from
    -Soft-kill zones have been added to keep players away from some of the more camper-friendly areas. This includes the interior of the center tower
    -Many of the rough transitions of the first release have been smoothed out

    Feedback is greatly appreciated,


    #1 BobGS, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  2. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty faithful, despite the budget constraint. I totally wanna give it a look. Perhaps bungie should release a snow themed forge level with a gephyrophobia preset =D
  3. FlimFlam69

    FlimFlam69 Forerunner

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    I do not recognize this map (or name) from Halo CE. Was this for the PC version only or something?
  4. BobGS

    BobGS Forerunner

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    @ Vicious3745: That would be pretty sweet. Hopefully they'll increase the budget a little (or at least make some of the objects a tad less expensive) if they do another Forge-themed map.

    @ FilmFlam69: It was for the PC version. For some reason, whenever I see Halo: CE, I think Halo: Custom Edition -- not Combat Evolved. I'll update the post to be more specific. Thanks for pointing this out
  5. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Nice job! Scale seems about right, the bases are good, and I like all of the structures. Just a few tiny suggestions:

    *Gauss Hogs should be Rocket Hogs
    *Consider placing a purple filter

    *Maybe put a power weapon on top of the tower?
    *I can't recall exactly, but I think there were Shades on the outer ledges?
    *You seem to have left a seastack rock floating out in the middle of nowhere.
    * I was able to survive jumping from the tower by simply sliding down; not a big issue but I felt I should bring it up.

    Other than that, map looks great. If nothing else, I would consider adding a purple filter and everything would be just perfect.
  6. BobGS

    BobGS Forerunner

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    Thanks for the input. I won't go into too much detail, but I actually have a story about that sea stack. There was an invisible wall by the red base I didn't notice until I'd been forging for a while. I wanted to put in a visual element to let the player know they wouldn't be able to fly freely in that section of the map, so I placed the rock around the area the invisible wall was located. Needless to say, I may end up deleting it in the second version of the map to make room for more weapons and grenades.

    I'll consider using the filter -- I just hope I can find the budget for it without removing the cool aesthetic bits. Expect a second version addressing some of these issues after I test the map with a larger group of people. Also, I updated the map (Acrophobia v1.2) to put soft-kill boundaries in some of the more camper-friendly areas -- including the tower I believe you're describing.
  7. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    probably just everything but the top, right? because there was nowhere else to go if you got a banshee up there and jumped out.

    Also, I could be wrong, and you probably don't need it, but I think there was a little niche in the center of the tower with an OS
  8. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks really faithful. Nice bases, seems like a very nice remake of Gephyrophobia. 5/5

    P.S. May want to change the name. I already have a map titled Acrophobia. :)
  9. BobGS

    BobGS Forerunner

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    Update: 200+ downloads and I still haven't tested the map with more than 3 people. If anyone would be willing to help me test this during the weekend, please send a message to my gt. After two or three games, I'd be happy to try some of your maps as well -- just be sure they're in your fileshare.

    @The Trivial Prodigy: That's right. I put the death field inside of the tower to discourage camping. With my current budget I don't think I'll be able to implement the overshield in the center of the tower. I appreciate the suggestions, it's just a matter of finding the budget to make the changes.

    @GR4V3mind117: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
    Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about the name. (Nothing else came to mind for a remake of Gephyrophobia.) Rest assured, if I can think of a name that suits the map well and hasn't been taken by anyone else (which at this point isn't very likely), I'll be sure to change it in a future version. On the bright side, at least they're from separate games.
    #9 BobGS, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010

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