Ok, this map i'm making is causing epic problems. You may have read my thread earlier about my dilemna with kill balls. Now i get them to stay in place by turning them to phased, letting go then turning to normal without grabbing it. Problem is, you have to shoot them for the grav lifts to affect them! Not many people are going to know to shoot the kill ball to set off the cannon, and anywho, i want it to be automated. Anyone have a solution?
have you tried it in custom games? or starting a new round and seeing if it works? do you have your gravlifts set not to respawn at start?
Thanks, i'll try the gravlifts.Edit: Still doesnt work, it is almost like what people used for traps in halo 3, the wired type, if you want to party up with me and see if we can find the problem, please feel free.