Forerunner Riddle

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Frozenghost001, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    "First puzzle map on Halo: Reach! Started on 9/6/10. New glitches that nobody knows about!"

    Background Information:
    • This map was started, as stated above, on 9/6 and finished on 9/13. So, this is officially the first puzzle map on Halo Reach!​
      • Although it's not the first on Forge Hub, it's the first one ever created. Period.​
    • I know the map description says new glitches, but at the time, nobody knew about these. They aren't really "new", but they might be for some of you!​
    • This map got around 18k downloads on it's own, and the gametype got around 10k! That's a lot for absoultely no promotion!! :)
    • This map/gametype was on the first page of most downloaded up until like a week ago - which is why I decided to finally post it on FH!​
    • Reach the hill to complete the game.​
    • Make sure everybody is on the same team for the full expirence (you'll know why once you start playing it)​
    • This map is designed for one player, but up to ten are supported.​

    • DO NOT PLAY AS AN ELITE!! The elite model does not fit through a certain tunnel in the middle of the puzzle, so you will get stuck. You have been warned!

    • If you get stuck and can't get out of a room, DO NOT PANIC! If this is the situation, I suggest checking all the walls for hidden tools as well as your surroundings. This should always be done first. If you can't find anything useful, then you don't need anything!​
    • All the objects/weapons/equipment/vehicles on the map are used for something. There are no "fake" ones to throw you off-course.​
    • If a vehicle or weapon vanishes, again, don't worry! They are designed to spawn back in their original spot within a second. If they do not spawn in that time frame, then the object does not spawn back. For examle, fusion coils & crates do not spawn after being moved/destroyed.​
    • If you absolutely need help, you can always watch my video tutorialon YouTube for assistance (found on bottom).​

    Spawn Room:


    This is the spawning room. You will be going back and forth in this room more than once, so I suggest checking out the entire room before going through the one-way door.

    Various Puzzles:


    Puzzle Room 3​


    Puzzle Room 5​


    Puzzle Room 6​


    Puzzle Room 8​



    Video Tutorial:

    Please leave your comments/ratings/suggestions below! I appreciate the feedback, positive or negative, and plan on using your feedback in my next puzzle map! Thanks for downloading!!​
    #1 Frozenghost001, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  2. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Reaches first puzzle map! Yay!

    Can't say i was very good at them on halo 3, but il give it my best shot ;). thanks for posting a walkthough.
  3. BlackHawkGaming

    BlackHawkGaming Forerunner

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    I like the map in general but how do you get the sniper rifle at the beginning? I can't get past the first part even by watching the video. Could you give me some hint or tip? Thanks! I like the effort you put into thinking about this map too.
  4. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    You can just pick up the sniper and kill yourself...
    But anyhosen, good job for being the fist map, I played this like the first week of the game release, and it wasn't bad. However, the challenges like you said aren't exactly new, I mean they're new in Halo Reach yeah sure, but if people played Halo 3 puzzles which a lot of people did, the challenges aren't very "new". So maybe on your next puzzle put some new stuff in there that no one has seen, Reach is still a new game which means there's still a bunch of puzzle stuff to explore and figure out. 8/10 for fun gameplay. 5/10 for originality. Which is good because I'm a very harsh judge ;)
  5. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    if you jump in a certain spot and swing your swprd using RT, the option will pop up very quickly to pick it up. And thanks I appreciate the feedback!

    Can you really kill yourself with that sniper!? I'll keep that in mind for future puzzle maps, if I use a similiar puzzle :)

    And thanks for the awesome feedback. I can tell you put some time into writing that, and I greatly appreciate that. I checked out your puzzle - Flushing Them Out I think it was - and I gotta say that is the craziest puzzle map I've played in Reach! I got up to the house so far, and then I got stuck cause the golf balls stop respawning, but it's really challenging and unique!
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Yea, that and you used the same puzzle twice :p

    Um, I can see a lot of it deals with finding armor abilities and weapons, which isn't exactly original.. but hey, what can you do. I'm aiming the same way as TecH; try something not only more creative, but something new!

    Otherwise, looks very well executed. 7/10

    Hope you have more puzzles on the way!
  7. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    I dont like how their is only 1 drop shield on the map. I was playing with my friend and only one of us could use it at a time. So if we both made it past and the guy without the drop shield dies then the guy with it has to kill himself for the drop shield to respawn back at the earlier room. You should put a few of each armor ability in the rooms.

    Also we got stuck behind the box in the mancannon room a few times and you cant kill yourself or anything.

    I jumped out of the window of the sniper room. I dont know how I did it but you can. I think i might of got pushed by my teammate. I also thought you were supposed to kill yourself with the sniper like that old H3 puzzle map Reincarnation.

    I give it a 7/10. I think you just need to fix it so it is better for multiple people to play at once.
  8. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    Yea in my new one that I'm making, I'm making sure that it's compatible with multiple people. Also, I'm making sure that you can't get the possibility of getting stuck in any parts, having already to scrap like 4 puzzles because of this. So far I got like half of it done, its going to be one of those split puzzles - where's theres a central hub and as you progress, more teleporters open up within that hub.

    Like I said above, I'm making another one and trying to get some help from other puzzle makers to contribute to its awesomeness.

    I'm trying to make sure you do not use any armor abilities. The only one I have to far is the jetpack, but that's only being used at the end (like this puzzle map).

    All the ideas so far I have come up with on my own through trial and errors. I have not seen them in any puzzle maps so far, in the very few that I've played on Reach, so hopefully they aren't already found already.

    I should be done in like a week or so, after many tests to fix any/all possible breaks. I'll keep you guys updated :)
  9. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    Thanks man, that means a lot, and that is strange that it stopped respawning... Hmmmmm.

    Any day man I'd be willing to help out with your map, trust me I'm not just some random who started making puzzles on Reach, I've been working with the whole puzzle thing ever since foundry came out. So remember homie, I'm just a message away on xbox
  10. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    haha same here. i started making puzzles since Gamer720 came out with his first saw map years ago! I remember when I was testing maps with him all the time haha, from puzzles such as Saw Evolution & Saw Tower to these crazy slayer/infection maps :)

    and when I get the chance I'll hit you up. I'm going to be busy today/tomorrow so probably tuesday
  11. IHeadrush

    IHeadrush Forerunner

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    This was a great map I ended up finishing it with 3 of my friends :D we managed to jump each other up to the teleporter with the jet-pack and we ended up finishing the entire map with only one problem.
    Where you drive the mongoose out and there's the DMR that spawns behind it...well the tunnel is too short for an elite character to fit through so you absolutely need to be spartan to finish this map by yourself.

    oh and also the part with the sheild barrier thing and the golf ball is also possible to finish without the sticky grenade. nobody in my party saw it there so we pushed the golf ball on top of the sheild and hit it downwards which ended up breaking the sheild and we just crouched down LMAO. if you need a demonstration on how we did it without the sticky just message me
    #11 IHeadrush, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  12. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    i know about the jetpack one, which is why recommend it to be done with 1 player :)

    the elite one i was unaware of, thanks for the heads up! i'll make sure to test my newer one out with both a spartan & elite :)

    the golf ball is another one i'm unaware of. thats pretty cool, you might have just given me inspiration for another puzzle (maybe...)

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